d put that in her article?

“There was no dream, was there, Grace?”

She blinked a little in surprise. “What?”

“That text message. Implying that you’d had a naked dream about me.”

“I never said I was naked,” she demurred.

“But you must have known I’d picture it that way,” he said, moving toward her. “You must have known that I’d picture you naked in your bed, waking up thinking about me. Wanting me. Maybe touching yourself.”

She tried to bolt off the bar stool, but he was faster, both hands clamping down on her hips and holding her still.

“So tell me … there was no such dream, was there?”

“No,” she whispered. She licked her lips then, and that was all it took. It was over for him.

“There’s about to be.”

Then he dipped his head, and his lips found hers.

Chapter Ten

Grace may not have had an actual dream about Jake, but she’d done plenty of daydreaming.

Turns out, her daydreaming didn’t even come close.

She’d known he’d be a good kisser; she just hadn’t expected to find out firsthand. Nor had she expected to be wrong.

Jake Malone wasn’t a great kisser.

He was fantastic.

Grace wasn’t sure when she’d moved, but her hands had found the front of his shirt, clasping him to her as though he was the best thing she’d ever tasted. And he just might be. He tasted like bourbon and man, and it was a good thing his hands were still pinning her hips to the chair because otherwise she’d be crawling up his body and wrapping her legs around his waist.

As it was, she contented herself with his lips, and they were very, very fine lips.

He explored her in demanding, drugging kisses, and when his tongue finally slipped between her lips she heard a moan.

Hers? His? It didn’t matter.

His tongue was circling hers, slipping and sliding in a perfect seductive rhythm.

Grace slid her hands from his shirt to his neck, tugging him even closer.

In response, his hands slid from the side of her hips to under her butt and he lifted her against him only briefly before settling her on top of her kitchen counter so their mouths were even. One hand tangled in her hair as the other slid just slightly into the opening of her robe. His hand settled just above her breast, the backs of his fingers against her heart.

Oh God.

Her heart.

The very thing that was likely to get engaged if she didn’t put a stop to this now.

Grace pulled away on a gasp, her fingers reflexively tightening in his shirt as though loath to release him before she jerked her hands back.

It should have relieved her to see that he was breathing as hard as she and that his eyes were as clouded as she knew her own were.

But instead it scared the crap out of her. What the hell was going on here?