“Oooh, now see, we’ll have to differ on that one. You played me. Let me think the date was … something.”

Her hand slapped over her mouth in horror. Had she actually just said that?

Grace 2.0’s outraged howling informed her that yes, she had just let it slip that he’d gotten under her skin.

“I …,” he faltered. “You know, you weren’t exactly a saint either. I mean, come on. That dress? Not giving me any warning that we’d already met …?”

“Let’s put that behind us,” she said smoothly, trying to regain control of the conversation. “Chalk it up to the hazards of the business, and all that.”

“Great,” Jake said, sounding relieved.

She forged ahead. “So, I know September’s article goes to press next week, but what do you think about starting on October’s story?”

“Ambitious. I like that.”

Grace rolled her eyes. ?

??You may want to save all that fake flattery for the actual date.”


“I was thinking for date number two, we could do a midweek lunch. I know it’s not glamorous—I’m just sort of trying to keep my evenings and weekends open.”

She intentionally added that last part, instinctively knowing that if there was one thing Jake Malone hated, it was the idea that a woman wouldn’t fall all over herself to spend time with him. Telling him he wasn’t worth her time after five o’clock was tantamount to telling him his male bits were ineffectual.

As expected, there was a slight pause. “Right, sure.”

Grace smiled. Was that just the tiniest bit of bruised ego she heard in his tone? “How about this Friday?” she asked. “There’s that great Italian place on Fifty-sixth.”

“Sure. Noon?”

“Let’s make it one. Maybe miss some of the lunch rush.”

“Perfect,” he said, good humor restored. “And I’ve been thinking about the focus of this issue’s article. If the last one was about first impressions, how about if this date focuses on reading physical attraction cues? Figuring out what makes the other person tick, sexually speaking?”

“Sexually speaking, I think that sounds like a perfect plan.”

“You sure? Because last time, it seemed like you got sort of caught up in—”

Her smile slipped. “I’m sure.”

And she meant it.

Because despite what Jake Malone thought, date number two wasn’t about his plan.

It was hers.

Chapter Eight

Text message from Grace Brighton to Jake Malone:

Just wanted to double-check we’re good for lunch today? Looking forward to seeing you. Especially after the dream I had last night. Let’s just say the contents belong in an entirely different sort of magazine ;)

* * *

“Emma, you good? Copy.”

“Copy?” came Emma’s voice, low and incredulous in her ear. “Seriously? We’re doing that?”