And Mr. Oxford better watch his back, because Grace Brighton was fully committed to exposing whatever smarmy, womanizing tricks he had up his sleeve.

* * *

“Cheers to Greg,” Riley said, lifting her cocktail to be clinked.

Julie choked on her martini. “You’re not suggesting we toast to the guy who cheated on Grace?”

“Actually, I think Riley’s on to something,” Grace said thoughtfully. “Had Greg not been a philandering jerk, I would be at home right now, watching whatever he wanted to watch, eating whatever he wanted to eat, after which I’d be putting away his laundry. So yeah … Cheers to Greg.”

They clinke

d glasses, and she felt Julie study her carefully. “You’ve come a long way. Just a few weeks ago you were alternating between causing a Manhattan Kleenex shortage and developing a strange obsession with chocolate.”

Grace took a sip of her drink to avoid mentioning that she still had that new obsession with chocolate. She’d always liked chocolate. But after the breakup, it had become her ultimate comfort food. Hot chocolate, chocolate fudge, chocolate ice cream, chocolate chips …

If only her hips liked chocolate half as well as her taste buds.

Don’t, 2.0 warned. That’s Greg and old Grace getting into your head. Grace 2.0 rocks her curves.

Riley nodded. “You do seem marvelously well adapted. Did you get some healing rebound tail in Florida?”

Grace rolled her eyes. “Yes, Riley. I got some healing rebound tail. That’s what restored my mental and emotional stability.”

Riley snapped her fingers and pointed at Grace. “There’s that dry sarcasm. I knew it. You are back.”

Grace considered. “Well, I’m not going to claim that there aren’t a few battle wounds. And I can’t say that I don’t still wake up in the middle of the night reaching for someone who’s not there, purely out of habit. But … I’m sort of done, you know? Sure, Greg screwed me over. But that’s also sort of what makes him not worth my time.”

Right? Tell me that’s right.

“So you’re ready to move on,” Julie said slowly.

Grace held up a manicured fingernail. She knew that tone. “No. No setups. I’ve told you both a thousand times. This is the me period of my life. No men. No dating. No sex. Not for six months.”

“And what, after six months you’ll be magically ready to enter a relationship?” Riley asked.

“God, no. But if I wait six months, at least I’ll know I’m not jumping into anything solely because I miss the companionship. I need to figure out how to be on my own.”

It was true. But it wasn’t the whole truth. Grace would never say it in front of Julie, who was over-the-moon happy with her new in-a-relationship status, but Grace couldn’t even begin to fathom being in a relationship. Not in six months, not in a year … maybe not ever.

They hurt.

“Okay, so if you’re all anti-men, then what is with your insistence on doing this story?” Riley asked. “There’s a reason we didn’t volunteer you, you know. How is it that the woman who claims to be done with dating wants to write a story about dating?”

“Oh, come on. You two know better than anyone that doing something for a story is not the same as doing it for real.”

“Actually, Julie doesn’t know that,” Riley said in a loud whisper.

Julie shrugged her perfectly toned shoulders. “Riley’s right. You may think you’re doing it for a story. But if it’s the right guy …”

“Mitchell was a fluke,” Grace said with a wave. “One in a million, and all that. Plus, Mitchell didn’t even know he was part of your story. Whatever turd from Oxford I get stuck with will have his eyes wide open.”

“At least he’ll be a gorgeous turd,” Riley said, waving their server over for another round.

“How do you know?”

Her friend smiled mysteriously. “I have my connections.”

Julie pointed at Riley. “Spill. Now. Grace is going to need all the intel she can get.”