She opened the door to a wall of sound and laughter. It was more crowded than she expected for seven on a Thursday, but there were a couple of spots at the bar. Jordan started that way, thinking she could nurse a glass of wine and scope out the scene to figure out who might have the inside track on what made Luke Elliott tick.

Maybe even see the man himself, if Vicky from the motel had been correct about his Thursday and Friday routine of stopping by the bar.

She was pulling out a tired-looking barstool when she heard her name.

Turning, Jordan saw Luke’s second almost-bride waving at her from a table.

/> Stacey grinned and called her over.

Jordan headed that way, pleased to see that there were a couple of other familiar faces at the table besides Stacey’s. There was Bree Henderson, the friendly hostess from the BBQ the other night, as well as pretty, feisty Hailey Withers.

The other two weren’t familiar—a willowy redhead, and a cute sandy-haired woman.

“Damn, Jordan, can you please stop making us look so dumpy?” Bree said, pulling a chair from the table behind them and shoving Hailey over to make room.

“Oh, I don’t want to intrude—”

Hailey reached up and tugged Jordan’s hand until she plopped down into the middle of small-town girl talk.

“You like sauvignon blanc?” Stacey asked, holding up a bottle of white. “You know what, you do now. Izzie, tell Benny we need another glass here.”

The redhead caught Jordan’s gaze and rolled her eyes, but she smiled and went to the bar, not bothering to ask “Benny,” instead just leaning forward until she could snag one of the clean glasses from the rack.

“So,” Bree said, as Stacey filled a wineglass and shoved it at Jordan. “Stacey was just telling us that you’re here to stay, and we’ve decided it’s fabulous.”


“Don’t mind her,” said the woman with smiling hazel eyes and adorable freckles. “Although, for the record, we totally think it’s fabulous. You’re even hotter than my brother let on, by the way.”

“Your brother?”

Hailey made the introductions. “Jordan Carpenter, meet Tawny Danvers, formerly Tawny Elliott.”

“Oh! You’re Luke’s sister.”

They looked alike, Jordan realized, especially the color and shape of the eyes. Although Tawny’s were a good deal friendlier than her guarded brother’s.

“And this is Isobel Keating,” Stacey was saying, pointing to the redhead. “Best friend since first grade.”

“Nice to meet you,” Jordan said.

Isobel smiled in acknowledgment. Her smile was friendly enough, if a bit more reserved than those of the rest of the women.

“So what did Luke say to you when he stopped by the rental house the other day?” Bree asked curiously.

Jordan laughed into her wine. It was sweeter than she usually liked, but she needed a little something to deal with the enthusiasm of this group. “Does everyone know everything?”

“Your rental’s right across from June Christiansen’s house. You think this town is nosy, she’s basically the mother of the gossip chain. She saw you and Luke, quote, set off serious sparks when you opened the door. Left about ten minutes later, looking pissed.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s just his face,” Jordan muttered.

Everyone laughed, and Stacey pointed a mozzarella stick at her before taking an enormous bite. “I like you.”

“Even though I’m trying to drag your ex-fiancé into a reality show where all his dirty laundry will be aired?”

And yours?

“Well,” Stacey said thoughtfully, swiping at a string of cheese on her chin. “We’ve all talked about it. Decided it’ll be good for him.”