Brynn’s chest heaved in agitation as she debated just how bad a murder charge would be. “Get out.”

She didn’t bother asking how he’d gotten in. He seemed to think that being neighbors was akin to being roommates. Will merely leaned against the doorway, clearly having no intention of going anywhere until they had this out.

She didn’t even know what this was.

“Why’d you do it?” she asked. To her horror, her voice broke as she blinked back big pathetic tears.

Brynn saw his fist clench and unclench as his expression softened for a split second. She thought he might apologize. Maybe even reach for her.

But then his hand clenched into a fist and the shutters went down. “Why’d I do what? Tell Mommy and Daddy their daughter got herself a little ink?”

She swallowed. “That. And you let them think…”

“That we fucked?”

Brynn winced and gave a little huff of dismay. But one look at Will’s angry face told her it was the wrong thing to do.

“What’s wrong, you embarrassed? Embarrassed that you got caught banging someone without a 401(k)? Embarrassed that you did something the country club would frown upon?”

He advanced on her, but Brynn stood her ground. Had no choice, really, unless she wanted to back up into the tub.

“It was supposed to be our secret,” she said, keeping her voice low and calm.

His face contorted in disgust. “And who decided that?”

Brynn blinked. “We did.”

“No, we sure as hell didn’t!” he exploded, throwing his arms in the air.

She stared at him in stunned silence. She didn’t know what was more shocking, the fact that the usual implacable Will was having an outburst, or what the outburst itself suggested.

“What are you talking about?” she said, frowning in confusion. “We decided three years ago after that…mistake…that we wouldn’t tell anyone.”

“Did we really? Because that’s not the way I remember it.”


He didn’t let her finish. “The way I remember it, a woman I’d known forever showed up on my front porch, screwed my brains out, and then promptly swore me to secrecy like I was some sort of humiliating disease.”

Brynn scoffed. “Don’t even try to make it sound like you wanted to go public. You’ve always hated me.”

He didn’t respond, but his eyes were fierce as he moved even closer. This time, instinct did have Brynn stepping back until her heels hit the tub. Her heart began to pound. She’d seen a lot of versions of Will over the years, but never this one.

The man was livid.

And she had no idea why.

“Will, let’s just calm down a sec. Let me put some clothes on and we can discuss this like rational adults.”

He let out a harsh laugh. “Do you even hear yourself? A guy is standing here trying to tell you something and all you want to do is be rational.”

Brynn licked her dry lips, all instincts on high alert. “Fine. What do you want to tell me?”

His eyes roamed over her hair, his chin resting against his chest briefly in defeat before he raised his head again. “Just forget it.”

Before she realized what she was doing, she reached out a pleading hand. “Wait, I want to know—”