It’s just a phase. You just haven’t gotten back into the swing of things.

Marnie opened her mouth as though to question Brynn further, but Will was faster. Only he didn’t direct any questions toward Brynn. Instead, he directed conversation to Marnie and Chris’s upcoming European cruise.

He had saved her.

Dammit. He’d known she wasn’t ready to have that talk with her parents, and he’d helped her out. She felt a spark of anger. He shouldn’t presume to rescue her from anything. He didn’t even know her.

Except, apparently, he did. Because she really, really hadn’t meant to say that she didn’t like her job. And she sure as hell hadn’t wanted to talk about it. And he’d known that.

Brynn scowled as she mechanically shoved salad into her mouth. She did the same through the main course, speaking up only to answer direct questions, and even then, she kept her answers as short as possible.

The four of them seemed to get by just fine chatting along without her, but as Marnie dished up strawberry shortcake, Brynn’s reprieve was apparently over.

“Brynn, honey, have you put any further thought into that housewarming barbecue you keep talking about? You’ve been there a few months now, and it might be a great way to meet people…”

“Meet men, you mean,” Brynn interrupted. “I know that matchmaker tone.”

Marnie gave Lily a woman-to-woman smile. “Brynn just came out of a long relationship. We want to get her back on the horse.”

“How do you know she hasn’t already started riding again?” Will asked.

Brynn made a choking noise, and Marnie’s cheeks were definitely pink with embarrassment. Brynn’s poor father looked like he would rather be waterboarded than remain at the table.

Marnie recovered quickly. “Oh, well…you know Brynny, she’s not the type to go rushing into anything. That’s why she took some time off work. To reassesses, to heal…”

Brynn heard what her mother was saying, but she only had eyes for Will. And if looks could kill…

“Well, you know what they say about hair of the dog,” Will was saying. “If it’s a guy that did the damage, maybe it was a guy that did the repairs.”

“Will, I think maybe this is a little inappropriate,” Lily said, looking chagrined on Will’s behalf. Even Fake Boobs had more sense of propriety than Will.

But it was too late. Already her mom was looking at her speculatively. “Brynn Elizabeth Dalton, have you been seeing a man these past few weeks?”

“No!” Brynn said, feeling her face go hot. “You’re believing him?”

“Well, he does live next door, sweetie, and I can see how you might want to hide from your parents for a little while if you were having a little…oh, what do they call it…”

“Yeah, what do they call it?” Will asked with false curiosity. “One could say…a fling?”

“Yes, a fling!” Marnie agreed in delight. “Because, Brynn, your father and I are quite modern, and we would completely understand if you…”

“We would understand, and we wouldn’t need any details,” Chris said with a pointed look at his wife.

Marnie winked at Brynn. She mouthed, Later.

Brynn mouthed, Never, right back.

And where the hell was Sophie? Of all the nights her sister ditched her, it was the one where her mother apparently wanted to talk sex. And Will looked like he was about five seconds away from telling her parents that they’d screwed like bunnies.

What’s the big deal? her subconscious demanded. Sophie already knew, so Gray likely did as well. What would it matter if her parents found out? They loved Will—they’d probably be thrilled.

The problem was her.

Brynn knew what she wanted. She went after what she wanted. Everyone knew that about her.

And Will had never been part of that plan.

She slowly forced herself to meet Will’s eyes, daring him to rat her out. He held her gaze with a faint mocking smile.