Oh, Andy. How adorable.



Andrew’s assistant is a hard nut to crack, but other than Andrew Mulroney, I’ve yet to meet a person I can’t break, and by lunchtime Shelley and I are best friends.

It wasn’t easy, though.

Andrew kicked me out of his office sometime around ten A.M. after I’d asked him exactly nine million questions about his job. Supposedly it was so he could take a phone call, but he’s been in there ever since, so I’m pretty sure I’ve been banished.

As revenge, I spent the better part of the last two hours trying to pry useful information out of his assistant.

“Do you like working here?”


“Is Andrew a good boss?”


“Is he a nice guy?”

After a pause: “Yes.”

“Does he have any siblings?”

“I believe so.”

“Brothers or sisters? Older or younger?”

“I couldn’t say.”

“What did he get you for Christmas?”

“An Amazon gift card.”

I laughed. “No, for real?”


“Oh, shit. Okay. Well, I love your emerald-cut diamond ring. Have you been married long?”

Annnnnnnd…the floodgates opened.

Shelley Jones is engaged, getting married on Long Island in four months, her best guy from high school is going to be the “guy” of honor, she met her fiancé while waiting in the ATM line at Chase, and her color scheme for the wedding is pink and white polka dots.

Yes, you heard that correctly. Andrew Mulroney’s assistant is all no-nonsense chignon and beige turtleneck on the outside, but on the inside she is pink polka dots.

My kind of girl.

“So, I don’t totally get why you’re here,” Shelley says, sipping one of the pumpkin spice lattes I went out to get us. “Is it like an intern program or something?”

I spin in the spare chair she borrowed from a vacationing coworker. “Heck, no. More of a…dare, of sorts.”

She bites her lip, and I can tell she’s torn between professionalism and curiosity. The latter wins, and she leans forward after sneaking a peak at the door.

“He’s never brought a woman here before. Not friend, girlfriend, sister…”