The puzzlement he’s trying to hide as he takes in my workout clothes makes the hideous 4:15 A.M. chirp of my alarm a happy memory.

“You’re late today,” I say, offering him a bite of my donut.

He ignores the donut. “Says the woman who didn’t show at all yesterday.”

“Someone’s keeping track.”

“Someone’s playing games. I don’t like games, Georgiana.”

“Which is why you need to play them, Andy.”

He blinks. “It’s Andrew.”

“Hmm. How about Drew?”

“No.” The word is a growl. “Georgiana.”

“Yes, Andy?”

He exhales. “I’m going to kill you.”

I can’t help the laugh. “See, I don’t think so.”

“Don’t you?”

“Nope,” I say, sucking sugar off my thumb. “You don’t send flowers to someone you’re going to kill.”

“Maybe they were for your funeral.”

I beam up at him. “So are we doing this?”

“Your funeral? God, I hope so.”

“Going to the gym,” I clarify. “You know, that whole thing about whether brainless Georgie can keep up with Andy and his Einstein mind.”

He grunts and checks his watch. “I said I was sorry about that.”

I laugh outright now. “You did not say sorry.”

Andrew looks away. “I tried to.”

I take pity on him and reach out to touch his forearm. Which, by the way, is very firm and nicely formed. Maybe I should consider this gym thing for real. “The flowers were perfect. Really.”

He meets my eyes, his mouth opening as though he wants to say something, but his gaze cuts over to Ramon, then to his watch once more.

“We should go.”

I bounce on my toes. “You’re letting me come with?”

“Do I even have a choice?”

“Ah, now see?” I say, pivoting and turning so that I can link my arm with his. “Look how well you know me already, and the day hasn’t even started.”

Andrew shakes his head and all but drags me forward. “You’re ridiculous.”

But I’m pretty sure I hear a smile in his voice when he says it.
