“You have no idea what my life is like,” he snaps.

Annnnd…goodbye peace treaty.

“And you have no idea what my life is like,” I snap back. “So you don’t really get to judge.”

He takes a step closer. “You wouldn’t last five minutes in my shoes.”

His simple dismissal of me rolls off his tongue so confidently that I suck in a breath. I’m so tired of being nothing in his eyes, so eager to change his opinion….

“Try me,” I blurt out.

He blinks. “What?”

“Take me along. One day in your life, wherever you go, I go. I’ll prove I could Elle Woods the hell out of this city.”

He doesn’t even pause to question my Legally Blonde reference.

“One day in my life,” he repeats.

I lift my eyebrows. “Worried it’ll kill you? Spending all that time with me?”

“Honestly?” he says, his voice gruff. “A little.”

His eyes drift over me when he says it, and I realize that he’s talking about an entirely different kind of reaction to spending time with me. The sexy kind.

I bite my lip to keep from asking him to kiss me.

Instead, I extend my right hand. “Five o’clock tomorrow morning?”

His grin is victorious, and I suspect I just caught a preview of what Andrew looks like after he wins a big case. Terrifying.

“Five o’clock,” he confirms reluctantly. “And Georgiana?”

I meet his eyes and hold my breath as he leans in. “Yeah?”

“Wear your workout clothes.” He steps back.

I exhale my disappointment, and he turns away, but not before I catch his knowing smirk.

It would seem our cold war just got a tiny bit warmer.

Bring it.



I drag myself out of the elevator and into the lobby, determined to beat Andrew downstairs.

Last night I felt great about my plan.

This morning, though?

Oh. Holy. Hell.

People do this? Willingly set their alarm and haul their ass out of bed while it’s still dark out?

I’m a little grateful that it’s a new guy behind the front desk. Charles is a sweet balding dude who works the early morning shift on Ramon’s days off. He’s only been here a few weeks and, lucky for him, I don’t think he’s grasped the full scope of the tornado that is me and Andrew Mulroney in the same space.