Lucy’s eyes filled, and without a word, she turned on her heels and ran.

It wasn’t until she’d climbed into her car and was driving away at full speed that it hit her that he hadn’t even tried to come after her.

Chapter 40


I catch up with Lucy just as she’s wrenching open Horny’s driver’s-side door.

“Hold up,” I say, grabbing her arm and pulling her around before she can climb into the car. “What do you mean I ‘win’?”

Her eyes are wild and shining with tears as she glares at me. “I mean your grand plan of pushing me out of your life, it’s finally worked. You nearly did it with Abby all those years ago. You made good progress by shutting me out completely without even telling me why. But this? Hooking up with your roommate? Nail in coffin, congrats.”

Her voice is so full of pain I nearly pull her close. And annoyingly, I feel a strange sense of panic, even as I tell myself this is what I want. To be done with her.

It’s on the tip of my tongue to explain that I’m not hooking up with Pam. Hell, I don’t even like my new roommate. She’s like a predatory cat, either ignoring or simply oblivious to the fact that I’m not interested.

I don’t tell Lucy this.

“How’d you even find me?” I ask.

“What, that wasn’t part of your plan?” she asks snidely. “I’m surprised you didn’t tell Craig to text me so I’d walk in on your cozy little domestic scene.”

I look away, and she lets out a choked laugh. “I was joking. Did you…are you kidding me? Is that why the door was open?”

“The door was open because the lock’s busted and it doesn’t say shut. I wouldn’t—”

I break off before I can finish the thought. I wouldn’t do that.

Except I have. I’ve done exactly what she’s accusing me of.

And damn Lucy for knowing me so well, because she catches it. I watch in misery as she puts the pieces together.

“You have done that,” she breathes out in shock. “Oh my God. With Abby…you set that up?”

I run a hand over my face. “It was a long time ago, Lucy. Let’s forget it.”

“I’ve been trying to forget it. But every time I close my eyes, I see you kissing Abby—”

“No,” I say so abruptly that she takes a step back.

“What do you mean, no? I know what I saw.”

“You saw what you wanted to see. Hell, you saw what I wanted you to see.”

She lets out a disbelieving laugh. “You wanted me to catch you kissing her?”

I roll my shoulders. “Hell, Lucy. I don’t want to do this. I’ve been trying to avoid this.”

“I don’t give a crap.” She steps forward, eyes blazing. “I want the truth. I want to know what happened. I want the other piece of the puzzle. Why you’ve never apologized for cheating.”

“I didn’t cheat,” I roar with so much force that I swear the doors rattle.

She steps back now, stunned and angry. “How can you say that?”

I rest my chin against my chest for a moment before I lift it, looking her square in the eyes.

Let’s do this.