She frowns and I frown back.

“Don’t be stupid,” I say, lifting the drink. “Picking up a drink that’s been unattended in a club. Really?”

She shakes her head a little, pushing her hair back from her face. “You’re right. You’re right. Stupid. I’ve probably had enough rum.”

Stupid is right. Both of us.

“You wanna get out of here?” I ask.

She nods, and I’m relieved. Everyone around us is one drink away from screwing. Not the sort of atmosphere we need to be in. I need fresh air, a glass of water, a change of scenery….

Instinctively, I hold out my hand for hers, and the second we make contact, palm to palm, I realize that we’re so not out of the woods yet.

This godforsaken club is the least of our problems.

Because somehow, Lucy Hawkins and I are supposed to survive a dirty dance, one too many drinks, and then share a hotel room without touching each other.

I mentally add a cold shower to my agenda for the evening.

Chapter 20


So, silver lining?

At least I’m not thinking of Oscar anymore.

Reece deliberately picked places near our hotel so that we’d be able to walk back, and as we leave the club, I feel a flash of gratitude, because I’ll have a chance to gather my thoughts, clear my head, and get the hell out of the danger zone.

But we’re in Miami, and it’s summer. The air is thick and heavy, just like the tension between us.

Why did he come dance with me? Why?

Except I know why. I love to dance, I’ve always loved to dance, and I wasn’t trying to make Reece jealous with that other guy, really I wasn’t. I’d just needed to feel…wanted. Reece had been kind but platonic all evening, and Oscar, well…he was probably in that other girl’s bed.

So when the guy with the grabby hands had wanted to dance with me when nobody else had…sure.

Only Reece wasn’t nearly as immune as I’d thought, and somehow it’d gone from what was supposed to be a freeing night out, embracing an “All the single ladies” vibe, and it had turned into…well, whatever this is.

Neither of us says anything as we make the slow trek back to the hotel, and all I can think about is that we’re sharing a room.

To distract myself, I try to remember all the reasons why letting him anywhere near me would be a bad idea. I try to remember what it was like when I’d seen him kissing another girl.

But the rum is messing with my brain, and now the only place my memory wants to go is Reece and me together. The first time he’d kissed me. The first time he’d touched my breast over the shirt. Under the shirt.

The first time I’d given him head, the first time he’d put his head between my thighs, and then finally, the first time he’d thrust inside me, the pain and the wonderfulness all wrapped into one glorious memory.

“You all right?” he asks quietly.


He glances down at me, blue eyes blazing. “You seem sort of out of breath.”

I let out a little laugh but don’t respond.

We go back to quiet, although oddly it’s not uncomfortable. Well okay, it’s uncomfortable, but it’s not unpleasant. Not really.

Still, the tension is mounting, and I make it to the elevator of our hotel before I realize that I need to say something now, before there’s a bed a few feet away.