

Ben and Lori broke up.

If you could even call what they had being together.

“It doesn’t even make sense,” Lori is saying, tapping her pen furiously against her notebook as she sits next to me in the conference room. “We didn’t even…”

She glances around at the still mostly empty room.

“You know.”

I try to ignore the thrill that this news gives me.

Ben and Lori never slept together.

It shouldn’t matter to me, but it matters so damn much I can barely breathe.

“Maybe because he respects you more than all those other girls,” I say kindly. “Knows that you deserve more than wham bam thank you ma’am.”

Her pen taps even faster. “But if that’s true, then why did he end it? Like, he didn’t see me as the good-time girl or the long-term girl.”

I purse my lips. “Tell me again what he said, exactly.”

She gives me a strange look. “I’ve told you like two times already. Honestly, you’re supposed to be the one doing the talking. He’s your BFF. Explain him to me!”

I hesitate. I’ve yet to tell Lori that Ben and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms, and I’m a little surprised she hasn’t seemed to pick up on this. Neither has Lance. It makes no sense to me. I’ve never felt more alone, more lost, and two of the people closest to me don’t even notice.

And the person who’s supposed to be closest to me—my best friend—isn’t even kind of my friend anymore.

“He just said I deserved more,” Lori says with a shrug, after it becomes obvious that I have nothing to add to the conversation.

“I don’t even know what that means,” she continues. “More what? Then he started talking about his job, and his family, and something about how his older brother just got some sort of public service award that he’ll never get, and he’s saying all of this, and all I can think is, wait, so I’m not even going to get laid?”

Lori is sitting to my right, and a dramatic sigh comes from my left. We both turn to give an irritated look to Eryn.

Too late, I realize that while our conversation started as a whisper, it got increasingly louder as Lori got more and more upset.

Eryn confirms that she overheard everything with a snide remark. “You do know there are better places to talk about your love life than the conference room?”

Lori lifts a finger, and I can tell she’s getting ready to go all diva, but I gently push her hand down. “Eavesdrop much?” I ask Eryn.

She doesn’t look even remotely sheepish as she turns to face us more fully.

Eryn gives a quick glance around to ensure our boss still hasn’t shown up, and that the only two other people in the room are at the far opposite end of the enormous conference table, one talking on her phone, the other playing what seems to be Words with Friends.

“You guys are talking about Ben Olsen, right? Parker’s bestie?”

Neither Lori nor I confirm, but she keeps prattling on anyway. “It’s so obvious what’s going on with him. Inferiority complex.”

I scoff. “You’ve met him, what, like, five times at company functions?”

“Yes. And all the times he’s tagged along as your plus-one at team happy hours, or whatever. I have to do something while you guys are all ignoring me, so I watch.”

I feel a little sting of guilt. Eryn’s so flipping annoying that it’s never really occurred to me that maybe part of the reason she’s so obnoxious is because she’s always on the outside.

I wonder which comes first…someone being left out in the cold because they’re annoying, or someone becoming annoying because they’re left out.