I pull back so I can look into his eyes, and our faces are just inches apart. It’s weird to think that just a couple weeks ago, that would have put us in kissing position—a position we both would have taken advantage of.

It’s even weirder that I still want to.

Oh God. I absolutely, positively cannot still want Ben.

For starters. Lance.


Okay, I can’t think of another reason.

“Lori’s going to ask you out,” I blurt, desperate for something to derail the scary direction of my thoughts.

His eyebrows lift, although I don’t know if it’s from the sudden change of topic or the news itself. “Yeah?”

I nod. “I tried to warn her, but…she’s determined.”

His brow wrinkles. “What do you mean, warn her?”

“Prepare her,” I amend. “For when you say no.”

Ben is studying me, his face unreadable. “What makes you think I’d say no?”

“Well, I mean…she’s not asking you for a hookup,” I say, forcing a smile and batting his knee. “I’ve been telling you all along that Lori’s looking for a relationship. A real one.”

“Okay…” His tone indicates that he still doesn’t get it.

“She wants a boyfriend,” I say slowly, spelling it out for him.

I wait for it all to click into place so that he can assure me that no, he has absolutely zero intention of saying yes to Lori or any girl.

That he’ll continue to be his charming, one-night-stand-ish self.

Because while I don’t exactly relish the thought of him going back to sleeping with his bimbos, it’s a hell of a lot easier to picture that than him caring about someone else….

But Ben says none of those things. Instead he shrugs. “I like Lori.”

My mouth drops open. “You’re not actually thinking of saying yes.”

His laugh is short and a little harsh. “Well, I mean, it’s not like she’s proposing. So, yeah, if she asked me out, I’d say yes.”


“I don’t want to be single forever, Parker.”

His voice is a little sharp, and mine is just as edgy when I snap back.

“Since when?”

I see his jaw clench in irritation, but I press on. “I mean, when have you ever given any indication that you wanted a girlfriend?”

“I don’t know, but damn. I’m allowed to change my mind, right? I mean, I’m not saying I’m going to go rushing into anything or doing ring shopping on weekends, but that doesn’t mean I’m not open to dating if the right girl comes along.”

My throat stings. I don’t understand why, but this little announcement

of his both surprises and wounds me.

Ben’s been waiting for the right girl?