I shut the menu after verifying that they have my favorite and look back at Parker. “Sound good?”

“Definitely,” she says with a little smile. “Because we wouldn’t want you to get in a sex rut.”

“Exactly,” I say, smiling. “That, and I don’t want to ruin your sex life forever. Too much of me, and the poor other guys will never measure up.”

She points at me with her wineglass. “I don’t know how you got it in your head that sort of cockiness is a turn-on, but I’m here to tell you it’s not.”

I lean forward. “You sure about that?”

My voice is huskier than I mean it to be, and Parker’s eyes respond by going a little smoky.

She licks her lips. “So this whole sex-with-other-people thing…that starts…tomorrow?”

“Mmm-hmm,” I say, my gaze studying her mouth.

“And that will mean the end of…us. This sleeping-together thing.”

I ignore the stab of disappointment that shoots through me at these words. This is the right call. Better to end it before it gets…messy.

“So that means tonight,” she says, “you and me…last time—?”

She breaks off and lifts her eyebrows in question.

I grin. “Definitely.”

Chapter 17


Ben’s idea was really, really good in theory.

The whole Let’s sleep with other people so we don’t let things get too intense idea, I mean.

And I’m relieved that he came up with it, truly.

Because he’s so right.

Even though we’re not, like, falling for each other, the fact that we’ve been completely monogamous for two weeks is so not what our arrangement was supposed to be about.

It was supposed to be casual sex with the other person whenever we felt like it.

Only, we aren’t supposed to feel like it all the damn time.

So, like I said. Ben’s plan of changing up our sex partners? It’s a good plan. A great plan.

In theory.

The reality…


Okay, here’s the thing. The entire reason I pitched my friends-with-benefits plan to Ben was because of my inability to think sexy thoughts about a stranger.

As my mom pointed out, I clearly have to have some sort of connection with someone before I sleep with them.

Which is why…as nice as Brandon Mallory is, and as good-looking…I can’t go home with him. I just can’t.

To his credit, Brandon doesn’t push me.