“One song, and then what?” she asks coyly.

I tilt my hips forward against her. Her eyes widen, then flutter closed. “On second thought, we can do a duet some other time…. ”

I’m already moving toward the front of the bar. “I’ll get us a cab. You tell Lori and Jason we’re heading out. I don’t think Jason will notice, and Lori’s got herself an admirer.”

Five minutes later, we’re on our way home.

Turns out, Parker’s never made out in the back of a taxi.

We fixed that.

Chapter 15


The Thursday after our karaoke adventure, I make the unpleasant realization that I’ll need to work late. Really late.

It’s been one of those days where back-to-back meetings equals zero desk time, and zero desk time means that I haven’t had a chance to address those “urgent” emails, nor pull together my weekly report for tomorrow’s meeting with my boss.

Definitely an after-five kind of work night.

I finally get a five-minute break between meetings, and it gives me a chance to pee, grab a much-needed Diet Coke, and text my carpool buddy who also happens to be my fu—, er, sex buddy, who also happens to be my best friend.

I shake my head as I pull out my cellphone, marveling, not for the first time, at how intertwined my life is with Ben Olsen’s.

Especially lately.

On paper, I’m sure we look unhealthy, spending so much time together, especially now that we’ve added nights—all night—to the mix.

But the thing is, it doesn’t feel unhealthy.

Because if it were, I wouldn’t feel so happy all the time, right?

And I do.

Feel happy, that is.

I guess that’s the power of regular orgasms?

I text him:

Hey, you okay if I work late? Maybe Jason could give you a ride home?

I start to put my phone away, but he texts back immediately, probably between meetings himself.

Nah, I’ll wait around. Have some things I can work on.

Cool. Meet you at the car around 7?


I set my phone on top of my notebook and start to head toward the conference room when it buzzes again.

Wanna grab dinner out tonight? Somewhere expensive? My treat. I’ve got news.

My eyebrows lift. Olsen, you asking me out on a date?

His response is immediate.