Her fingers move to her jeans button and I all but fly off the couch, heading for the kitchen to get another beer, or a glass of water, or maybe just a handful of ice to stuff down my pants.

She follows me, still rambling, and I pull another beer out of the fridge, tempted to rub it against my face in an effort to cool down. “You better have that shirt back on, Parks.”

I turn around, but no. No shirt. I lock my eyes on a spot above her head, even as I feel the distinct stirring of my cock. I’m only human, after all. Objectively, I know she’s Parker, best friend and platonic roommate.

But another part of me—the part currently swelling in my jeans—only knows her body is a fucking ten.

She opens her mouth, but I hold up a hand to stop her. “House rule. Shirts in the kitchen. Remember? That’s your rule.”

“One you break all the time,” she says, making no effort to go retrieve her shirt.

“Fuck it,” I mutter, and, setting my beer on the table, I quickly pull off my own T-shirt. I’m wearing a navy one layered over a white one, and I leave the bottom layer on, so we’re not exchanging one shirtless disaster for another. I move toward her and unceremoniously yank my free shirt over her head.

She obediently puts her arms through the armholes, apparently still unaware of the effect her half-naked body is having on mine. “Your shirt smells nice. Not like man stank,” she says happily.

“Wonderful.” I take a long pull of my beer. Then another.

“So anyway. I spent, like, a hundred dollars on slutty red lingerie that nobody will ever see,” she says, sounding adorably put out about it.

“Aw, Parks,” I say, my good-friend humor restored now that I don’t have perfect tits distracting me. “You’re acting like you’ll never have sex again. You can wear the slutty red stuff for some other guy.”

I expect her to continue her pity party, but instead her expression turns thoughtful. “You’re right.”

I narrow my eyes at her. I know that tone. That tone is dangerous.

She breaks out into a wide smile. “I’m going to be a girl version of Ben!”

My beer halts halfway to my lips as I try to follow. “What?”

She moves toward me. “I like sex, Ben. I miss it.”

Oh dear God, please don’t talk to me about sex after I just saw your tits.

“But you’re so right,” she continues. “I don’t have to wait for stupid Lance to come to his senses, or do the whole wretched-relationship thing again. I can do sex like you do sex. Whenever with whomever.”

“Okay, now hold on, Parks—”

She wags a finger in my face. “Be very careful what you say here, Ben Olsen. You wouldn’t be tempted to walk into a double standard, now, would you? You know, take the stance that a guy who sleeps around is just a boys-will-be-boys player while the female equivalent is a slut.”

“No!” I’m annoyed by the accusation, but that doesn’t mean I like what Parker is suggesting with this wherever-whoever thing. I mean casual sex, fine. But going out of her way to seek it just doesn’t seem like her.

“I was just going to say that I think you should sleep on it,” I say. “You’ve been single all of two hours, and you chugged a bottle of wine in about a quarter of that time.”

I’m expecting her to rail at me for being a lecturing, sanctimonious ass, but to my surprise, she drops the scolding diva finger and purses her lips. “You’re right. I’ll wait until tomorrow to think things through.”

Thank God.

I feel a little tickle near my hairline and lift a hand to my temple where I feel moisture. Fuck me. Am I sweating?

“Popcorn, wine, and a movie?” she asks, then totters out to the coffee table and picks up a box

of popcorn, bringing it back into the kitchen and holding it out at me with a friendly smile.

“Absolutely,” I say, grasping at the popcorn like it’s a lifeline. I’m beyond grateful that I don’t have to follow around a drunken Parker from bar to bar when she’s hell-bent on getting laid by some horny jackass who won’t call her tomorrow.

“Hey, Ben,” she says, turning back in the kitchen doorway.

I put the flat popcorn bag in the microwave and hit the POPCORN button. “What’s up?”