He laughed, a low, menacing sound. “Well precious, let this be a lesson.” He snapped my hands above my head, gripping them both with only one of his. Then he slid his fingers down my cheek, pausing to run his thumb over my bottom lip. “Y

ou shouldn’t come out to play until you have the power to party like a big girl.”

His eyes flared, and red, scorching flames burned into mine as his hands heated, warming my skin uncomfortably. “Take your hands off me before I drop you where you stand,” I threatened. “This is my city.” I glared back into his glowing eyes. “You’re the one who shouldn’t be here.”

“You’re a feisty one, I’ll give you that. But I’m not here to fight.” His free hand stretched down, and he kicked my legs apart. Then he ran his hand up my inner thigh. “You might like what my kind can do.” Heat spread through my body as his hand warmed my skin beneath the leather. It felt like liquid fire heating me, and I fought harder to free myself.

His face began to lower toward mine, as if he was going to…kiss me? I tried to concentrate, but his hand—the heat—was sliding up and panic distracted me, keeping me from tearing his red eyes out. He leaned in…but halted right before my face, his eyes growing wide. They shimmered as a soft smile replaced his sneer.

His lips passed mine, finding my ear instead. “Come find me after you go through the change,” he whispered, sending shivers along my skin. “You actually seem like a challenge.” He raised his head and shifted into his human form. No longer looking menacing.

I glared into his fire red eyes. Was that a threat or a come on? I shook my head, clearing it. And what the hell just happened? Why isn’t he ripping my throat out?

I was thrust forward by the force of him being ripped off me. “Get your hands off her, Narco Slime.” Jace stood between us.

I fell against the wall, slack, and took deep breaths to calm myself. Lana loomed near the exit door waving me over. Oh, no. Not before I get a piece of this guy. I pushed off the wall and knocked Jace out of the way as I went for the Narco’s groin with my knee. He blocked it, but I got another quick shot in and nailed him across the face with my fist. Damn. That stung. His head snapped to the side and stayed there.

Jace forced me through the door. “Are you crazy?” he said angrily as he ushered me away from Cogs. Lana and Nick came up beside us, matching our brisk pace.

As we raced through the cobbled street, I glanced back to see the three Narcos pushing through the door of Cogs. “Jace, what are we going to—” My words caught in my throat as I halted mid-stride.

We stared out over the bay. Airships hung over the harbor, their Daimler engines choking out black smoke, a dark haze conflicting with the purple-orange night sky. Giant, round swells above the ships reflected the lights of the pier against their shiny silver. And their canvas sails reached out over the inky water, beating in the breeze.

“They’re here.” I turned toward Jace. “And more than just their Council.” I glanced at the three huge airships in our harbor. “That Narco at the club had a neck tatt, and I felt the heat rolling off his hands. What are we…” My words died again as I saw the three Narcos making their way toward us. Crap. Why would our Council agree to a Treaty Act? And why the hell would they ever allow the Narcolym into Haven Falls?

Jace pushed me behind him. “Let me handle it.”

I attempted to get around him, wanting to hit the stupid Narco one last time. “I don’t need you protecting me, Jace. What the hell is all that training for, then?”

He shot me an impatient look. “Please, Dez. Just…look after Lana.”

I studied my best friend’s panic-stricken face, and gave her a weak smile.

The Narco that had pinned me to the wall, Reese, and his two thugs marched toward us.

“Great,” Nick breathed. “Guess it’s on now.”

Jace and Nick stepped in front of Lana and me.

Reese stopped right in front of them. “I guess you didn’t come out to play alone, after all.” He grinned at me, then looked at Jace and cocked his head. “Do you really want to do this?” he asked.

Jace cracked his knuckles. “Don’t see why not.”

Reese rubbed his hands together and they flamed red as heat built in their center. A red glow snaked around and up his forearm. “You’re not ready.” His eyes flared. “I thought you might have some tatts, but you’re powerless. And besides”—he nodded toward his two buddies—“we’d get in trouble for disturbing the peace. Though it might’ve been worth it if you were full shifters.”

The Narcos beside Reese waved their hands at us as if we’d wasted their time. I released a breath that I didn’t know I’d been holding. As much as I wanted to take the guy’s head off, I was more worried about my friends getting hurt.

I turned to Lana. “Let’s get out of here.” Then to Jace, I added, “Come on, let it go.”

Jace balled his hands by his thighs, white knuckled. “He can’t get away with treating you like that.”

I laid my hand on his shoulder. “Jace…” And with just his name, he relaxed his hands and turned to go.

As we neared the bike ramp, I glanced over my shoulder. Reese’s glowing red arms faded as he passed under dimly lit gas lamps. We were almost to Jace and Nick’s levibikes when I looked back one last time. Reese waved—a smile spreading across his face. Then he winked at me.

My birthday was right around the corner. I’d be seventeen and have my full power, and then I’d see that Narco hothead again. Treaty Act my ass.

Chapter Two