I don’t know why I’m defending our customs, other than out of habit. As of late, I’m more inclined to trust in Kaide’s beliefs rather than put my trust in a higher power. Then again, if my mother knew I thought such things, she’d be disappointed. Her belief that, other than a father’s greed, there was something more to the mercury in my blood is what got me through the Cage fights.

That, and Caben.

Shaking an image of him from my head, I unclip my transmitter from my leather chest harness and program my mother’s frequency. I made sure I had a way to contact her when she insisted on returning to Cavan…to take care of my father.

After the amazing recovery of Bax’s father, I vowed to rectify the damage I’d done to my own. And I did. Just not fully. The madness plaguing his mind vanished, but a cruel and bitter man remained. I suppose there is no cure for that. Or I’m only able to heal sickness, not asshole.

Regardless, I don’t blame her. She loved him once enough to marry him despite his actions. She’s the best and most loyal woman I know. I’m just glad I have a way to stay in touch with her.

Her ashen face appears in the blue web over my transmitter. “Kaliope?”

“Hi, Mother.” For a second, I forget why I contacted her. She looks sicker, and guilt pools in my stomach. Though I practiced on many in the ward, healing patients so I could learn more about my strengths, her lung disease was too advanced for my whatever the goddesses bestowed to me that can heal. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

Kaide clears his throat and nods to me before he exits to the secret side chamber, giving me privacy.

My mother smiles. “We’re fine, Kal. I wish you’d come home. There has to be a way for you to keep your word and be with us here.” She grimaces. “Our empress is needed here, also. With her people.”

And as if my guilt wasn’t already eating away at me, my mother knows just how to add another helping. “She’ll return soon. We all will. But even if I hadn’t taken on the prince’s responsibility, Empress Iana is the second seat, remember? She vowed her own promise to King Marcus until—” I swallow and force the words out. “Until a king is instated in Perinya.”

“Yes, I know.” She nods again, wearily. “I don’t understand all the politics, but I do know we won’t recover fully without our leaders. We’re trying to repair the damage done to Cavan daily. There’s so much work…and the people need guidance.”

“I know. Everything will work out.” I bite the inside of my cheek. “I’m wanted elsewhere, but I need to know that everything is all right first.”

“I promise, Kal. We’re good.” Her smile drops. “I just miss you. And your father misses you, too.”

My father wouldn’t even look me in the eyes once his mind returned. “Okay. I love you. And I’ll be home soon.”

After she says her goodbye, I clip the device back to my harness and exhale deeply. As long as Caben and his legion of Otherworlders are here, they’re not in Cavan. My mother is safe.

I find comfort in the fact that Caben is after the relic and not simply out to hurt me. Bale is controlling his actions. It’s not personal. Because if he did want to seek vengeance, after our time spent together, he knows just where to strike. My family.

I shrug off the chill creeping over me. After tonight, the warring will end. If my plan works, Prince Caben will be a captive of Perinya. And Bale will…

I’m still uncertain.

Turning to look at the door Kaide left ajar, I remember the answer Empress Iana gave me when I finally worked up the courage to ask her my question. About whether or not Caben was still present—still somewhere within himself, fighting Bale.

I hold her words close to me now—needing them to be true.

I glance up at the statue of Rae one last time. The Three Realms worship the same deities, but each country appoints one goddess as their liege. The one they fashion their laws and land after. For now, I’m thankful Perinya chose the goddess of war. The Perinyians are always prepared for battle.

I just hope they’re prepared to arrest their prince.

The Nactue are gathered around Empress Iana as she kneels before a miniature statue of the Goddess Farrah, the crystalline relic positioned just below her on a mantel. As the crystal illumes celestial white, the empress’s skin glows, revealing her link to the goddess.

She’s regained most of her health since we returned the goddess relic to her from the Otherworld, but at times, I can see the toll the separation from it has taken on her physically. She’s stil

l weak, as if she will never fully recover from her illness.

Anger snaps at my insides as I look her over. Just another way the deities ensure their reign over us.

Kaide has joined Lena and Lilly standing watch to the empress’s right, while Kai and Whip converse to her left. Kai is still beautiful, sporting her signature red eye shadow that highlights her features against her black hair. Whip, never seen without her leather circlet around her head, is the most petite Nactue guard, but nearly the most fierce. When I enter, their heads turn in my direction, and Lilly steps forward.

I motion for us to speak away from the empress, so we don’t disturb her prayer.

“Are you positive they’ll attack tonight?” Lilly whispers.

Knowing what I know of Caben and now his country, after spending time with the advisers, I’m sure the explosion was a diversion. The Otherworlders have the same firepower as both of our countries, only in limited supply. And if they saved that kind of attack for now instead of using it at the start of the war, there’s a reason.