Although, if Kal had not performed her miracle, then I’d be a wandering spirit of sorts. A chill creeps over my skin just thinking of it. I’m not sure I understand or believe it all, but after everything we—I—have been through, how can I not?

And how Kal survived the full blast of mercury to her heart… I don’t know. We’ve debated and speculated, only to raise more questions. But what it does prove is clear: she was always Bale’s intended vessel. No other could’ve sustained the dark goddess—except one already harboring a part of her essence.

Even though I put up a decent fight—I try to console myself—only one protected by the goddesses, someone so strong and capable, could live with a pure, poisonous mineral pumping through her heart. I shake these thoughts from my head, earning a curious glance from Lilly, who quickly goes back to flipping through her transmitter feeds.

I’m nearly reflecting on everything again. Slicing open half-patched wounds and feeling myself slip into that dark place.

I know I saved her life—and she saved me right back—and that should be enough. But I’m haunted by what Kal’s lost in spite of it. She’s much stronger now, more powerful, though I believe terrified to test the full extent of her power, but she’s also more despondent. Especially when anyone broaches the subject. She needs time to heal and…adjust. That’s all.

For now, I’m choosing to put it behind me. Focus on what we have to accomplish. Which is more than any magics or supernatural powers can establish. Unfortunately.

“Gorgeous, yes. And at least it’s big enough, don’t you think?” Lena says, plopping down beside Lilly. Lena, on the other hand, has no reservations about reminding me how mad I still come across at times.

I smile wanly in her direction. In a matter of days, I’ve watched Lena and Kal’s interactions. I know something is wrong there, but I haven’t probed. I trust Kal to tell me when she’s ready.

Pressing my back into the cushion, I say, “I had somewhat of a complex in my younger years.” I shrug, and Lilly’s eyes go wide. “Not that kind of complex. Not a size issue…a father issue. Needing to assert my right to rule over something massive where I didn’t have any say in his kingdom.”

Both of them nod hesitantly, and I release a heavy breath. Women. I’m cursed to be surrounded by them, my only male accomplice who could get me out of the many fixes I find myself in is Bax. And he doesn’t count. He’s as likely to side with them over me.

Oh, and there’s Kaide. But I haven’t been able to speak with him much. He’s a loner. You’d think after our time spent together in the Cage we’d have formed somewhat of a kinship. But he seems a very devoted individual, only concerned about Kal’s wellbeing and finding his place in our new circumstance, where he’s no longer a member of an elite faction.

We’re traitors. Looked down upon and considered lower than the Otherworlders. They, according to both my and Kal’s countries, didn’t have a choice in their allegiance. But we did. And we chose to retaliate against direct orders that would have sentenced Kal to her death.

I’m including myself among the Nactue and Bax here, because even if I hadn’t been possessed by a deranged goddess, I’d have been right alongside them. Also, I’m eternally grateful for their disobedience. They saved my mother’s life. To which, someday, I will find a way to restore each of their reputations among their queen and country.

Only I first have to do the same for myself in order to see that goal through.

Until then, the least I can do is offer my home as a means of refuge for them.

Luckily, the only people who know of its isolated location that may pose a threat are Councilor Teagan, who tracked my haphazard trail through the forest—which at the time, was done so purposely to lead Kal to me—and Lake, who covered my haphazard trail, protecting its whereabouts, and who is now an integral part of our new mission.

Both of them are, astonishingly, members of our unique group of traitors. Most of my select detail of Otherworlders who I stationed here lost their lives during the final battle. The ones who survived were taken prisoner. We saw their capture as we darted past the time-altered scene out of the Otherworld.

Kal managed to wipe the Otherworlders’ minds of this place as we escaped. Claiming, their weak-mindedness made it simple enough. She’s even cloaked my treehouse so that Bale can’t easily locate it. And she states: all of these things are not a difficult feat. Not for her. Not now.

Again, I can’t comprehend how powerful she’s become. I wonder if the goddesses purposely restrained the power with that cybernetic clamp—if they never intended for it to be removed. But trying to understand why the goddesses do or don’t do anything is infuriatingly pointless.

I believe we’re better off far away from their influence.

Removing my injured leg from its aching position on the table, I try to get comfortable on the couch, wishing Lake were here to bring me a pillow—

I immediately stop my brain from heading in that direction. Some residual thoughts are still present—I think that’s to be expected—but I’ve done well to push most from my mind. Though I do truly miss Lake.

I admit, had anyone told me I’d befriend an Otherworlder during a bout of possession by the moon goddess of legend…I’d have decked them in the mouth. Then laughed. But Lake has become just that. Admitting his servitude to Bale ended the moment she left my being, he chose to keep serving me instead. He said he admired my will, and I told him I didn’t want his servitude, but friendship.

I know. How sentimental I’ve become. Only it’s the truth. I fear I will never be much of a leader—hardly a king—unable to lead anyone.

My thoughts drift away as the others enter the common room of the treehouse. Kaide, still wearing his Nactue uniform—only designed for a male; how strange. Whip, her leather circlet in place around her head, just like in the Cage. I shake my head.

Following them, Bax and Kal.

My heart stutters in my chest. No amount of time with her will ever make me immune to her consuming presence. And I sincerely hope not, because how could I ever fully recover my feelings for that woman? I owe her…everything.

She sits next to me, sliding her fingers through mine, her thumb caressing my ring, and it’s still such an odd sensation. The Nactue leader, the woman who could barely speak of her feelings, more than touch a man—other than to inflict pain on him—outright professing them in front of others. Openly displaying us.

I’ve come to know a different Kal over the past days. She’s still the stubborn, willful, completely insufferable idealist—but she’s also so vulnerable it startles me. She’s someone who doesn’t question her love for me. Who doesn’t try to downplay her emotions, claiming they’re due to our near death experiences. Something I assumed she’d do.

I’m not sure if it’s the newness of it all, or the extreme circumstance we’ve found ourselves in—I just don’t know. But we’re managing to accept each other. I only wish I could meet her expectations. Where I was once the cocky prince pushing her to give her affections over, I’m now the one pulling away.