A protector moves to the front of the reserves and waves his hand forward. With a loud boom, the army stomps down and then marches toward the crafts.

Once they’re inside and begin to lift off, I look at Lake, my Otherworlder legion commander. “Ready them.”

Kal has done exactly what I thought and requested her general to call in the reserves. She may not be a general herself, but she’s the Nactue leader, the one they all look to—the one who can pull rank and make decisions. And she’s a natural leader. The reason why I chose her to look after my kingdom. Before the Reckoning, that is.

There was another reason.

“Quiet,” I bite out.

“My Liege?” Lake says. “I didn’t—”

“Not you.” Pointing toward the wall, I say, “It’s time. Get them in place.”

He nods and his black dreads brush against his leather armor. “It’s done.” Then he pulls out his transmitter and gives the order. “Down and under!”

A low hum fills the air, and my chest tightens with eagerness. In a few moments, I’ll have both things I came here for.

Bale’s prize and mine.

That’s not the true prize, though… You want her.

Gripping the hilt of my sword, I close my eyes and force the annoying voice away. When Bale is corporeal in all her rampant glory, I’ll make her repay my allegiance with a nice black hole in my memories. Kal weakens me. Distracts me. And I need that distraction removed.

Or you could own it, Prince.

I raise my eyebrows at Bale’s suggestion. An image appears in my mind of Kal seated below me on a dais, dressed in a sheer dress, her hair swept up, her cream shoulders teasingly bare…and a manacle around her neck. Not a crown. No, a collar for her to know her place.

A smile twitches at my lips. I can almost see her livid expression in such a position. Feel her anger as her deep jade eyes burn a hole through me.

But that would be more trouble than it’s worth. She’s too stubborn, and could ruin everything. It’s a waste, really. A shame. She’d make a beautiful trophy.

Don’t be a fool. That would only prolong your misery. Kill her. Rid yourself of her threat.

My gut clenches. Bale’s words seep past my lone protective layer to the one place my thoughts remain almost mine—and I grasp the metal token in my pocket quickly before saying, “Driver, move in.” Then I brace my palms against the dash.

He pumps the clutch and shifts into gear; the Crusher lurches forward.

The vehicle rocks me backward into my seat, and I grab the handle above my head. What I love about the Otherworlders is their devotion. No questions. No protests. No rallies to pass laws and demand tax breaks. They have one goal in mind, and they plow through every obstacle until it’s obtained.

They trust their Liege and their deity with unwavering faith, and stop at nothing to achieve their desired greatness.

I almost envy Bale her empire when she returns, and I wonder if I can rule Perinya to the same effect. A quick flash of fires and death and war blazes against my vision. I widen my eyes and glance at Lake.

He’s chewing on his gnarly bottom lip, his pale face cocked stern and gaze locked on the target.

Looking at the path ahead, I bury my hand in my pocket again and touch the cool metal emblem tucked safely inside.

Bale won’t allow me my own kingdom.

This thought awakens my senses, and for a moment everything is clear and transparent. I see a sudden flash of reality of what will happen once the goddess relic is restored…and I gasp in a deep breath.

I clutch the emblem tighter, triggering a faint memory.

Kal’s warm body pressed against mine in a lighted pool of water…the smell of jasmine invading my senses as I breathe her in, her dark, silky hair caressing my cheek. My whispered confessions of my childhood and my fears of ruling my father’s kingdom…and her strength. The strength I see in her eyes when she turns in my arms… The man I want to be. For her.

I squeeze the emblem, and warmth fills my palm. Pain slices through my hand, and the world is hazy and dark again.
