A blast sounds from behind us, and the ground shakes, sending me to my hands and knees. The Cury is tossed sideways and back.

I whip my head up as a mix of sulfurous air and a metallic scent hits my nose on the breeze.

“An explosion?” Kaide says, getting to his feet. He wipes the dirt from his Nactue uniform as he stares ahead. “The Otherworlders have detonated a…bomb? They’ve never used weapons of destruction before. I didn’t know they had any.”

Scrambling for my transmitter, I bring it to my lips. “Lilly!” If the Otherworlders haven’t already taken out half the Cavan and Perinyian units, we might have time to regroup. I need the Nactue to secure the empress and the reserves to—

My brain quits its train of thought as a dark cloud plumes in the distance, smoke from the explosion wafting upward toward the sky. Why are they attacking when they were just retreating? The crackling of my transmitter draws my attention.

“Kal? Is everything all right? Kal?”

“Put Empress Iana in lockdown. Now.” I look up at Kaide. “They’re trying to call our reserves away from the capital.”

His dusky features pull into a serious expression, his lips pressed tightly together. “The prince?” His voice is soft, questioning, as if he’s unwilling to say Caben’s name.

I look toward the horizon and feel the pull in my soul that gives me my answer.

I nod. Maybe I’m unwilling to say his name aloud also.

“Bale wants us clear of the palace…I’m sure to make her move. She’s going for the shard tonight.” Eyeing Kaide, I make certain he’s following my logic as I jump to my feet. “They’re going to raid the palace. We need to get back.” Kaide gives me a questioning look, and I avert my gaze. “I said, let’s move.”

Climbing into the Cury behind me, Kaide settles on the seat next to mine and says low, “Are you ready to face him?”

It’s the first time he, or any of the Nactue, have asked me that question. And it’s the one I’ve been dreading. Maybe more so than actually seeing Caben for the first time since I left him in the Cage.

As the Cury lifts off, I grab the leather handle above my head and stare out the open door. The world swims past me in waves of green and brown, orange firelight and black sky.

“I’m ready,” I say.

But deep within my soul, a soft voice whispers, I’m not ready, Caben. Not yet.

Keep hiding.

? 3 ?


NEARLY FIFTY RESERVES OF both Cavan’s protectors and my kingdom’s army are stationed outside the palace gatehouse, awaiting the order to be sent into battle. Perinya and Cavan, working together to take out Perinya’s rightful king.

How exciting.

I straighten my black fitted shirt and run a hand through my hair. It’s grown out some, longer than it’s ever been. But seeing that I no longer have a place in my own kingdom, there’s no reason to keep it trimmed. To keep up pretenses.

The towering white stone walls that I used to look upon nearly every day are a mere quarter of a mile from where we’re positioned. Wild grape vines grow along the stone, and black birch trees branch up and outward, their full green leaves just grazing the side of the wall.

Something inside my chest stirs as a memory surfaces of me climbing those dark wood trees, attempting to sneak out of Court. Then another of me stealing a kiss from Tabatha like the cocky boy I was, trying desperately to make her mine. I smile. Claiming her affections was a challenge.

Though, it was nothing compared to the challenge I battled for Kal’s affections. I’ve never pursued any woman the way Kal motivated me to pursue her—

My jaw clenches, and I shift forward to get a better view, driving thoughts of her from my mind as I stare through the tinted glass of the driver’s compartment. The clouds covering the moon blackens the sky, concealing us and further tucking us away in our burrowed hole. Like the void swallowing me if I don’t complete my mission.

I can feel its tentacles slithering up the side of my mind, obscuring my thoughts, and my hands slick with sweat. I have one chance once I’m on the other side of those walls, and I can’t fail. My stomach knots in anticipation. It’s the same feeling I used to get right before I grappled for sport when I was a child, and I love it.

But something else is clawing at the memories, demanding my attention. An itch I can’t reach, or rather, that I’ve forgotten about but still lingers.

A pain throbs behind my eyes, and I blink hard, clearing my vision.

I only wish Kal was in sight so I could see her expression when I breach the palace.