“Leave,” I instruct him. “Don’t let it go to your gnarly little head.”

Finally, Lake bows again and says, “Yes, My Liege.”

Once I have my privacy—dark goddess excluded—I flip open the leather-covered book and scroll through the table of contents. I’m not exactly sure what I’m looking for…but I’ll know it when I feel it.

Banish this inane theory, Prince. It’s wasting our time.

And my finger stops. I look down. “Why, thank you, my dark lovely.” I figure using the goddess as my guide, like a homing device, is as good an approach as any to locate what I need. I hear her angered hiss in my head and laugh before reading the chapter heading aloud. “Chaos Philosophy. Legends of the Moon.”

Cracking my knuckles, I make a show of settling in for my research, even though the only one who could appreciate my spectacle is blindfolded and gagged. With a playful shrug, I turn to the chapter and begin reading to myself—and Bale. Though I’m sure she’s well aware of her own legend.

Whatever it is you’re seeking, just ask, princeling. It would be much quicker.

A chuckle slips from my mouth. “Yes. I’m sure you’d do well to leave out all the good parts,” I say to the goddess. “Listen up, Bax. Even though I’m positive you’re just as informed as the moon goddess.” Peeking over at my hostage, I nod once. “Ah.”

I scoop up the book and move toward one of the windows. Placing my palm to the cool pane to signal the tint, I dim the room, shading the morning light. Then I head back toward Bax and kneel next to his shacked ankles. I reach out and remove the blindfold and rip the tape from his mouth.

A gruff shout rends the den, and Bax stretches his neck and flexes his jaw. “I don’t know who’s stupider.” His black pupils slit. “You or that deranged, rejected deity.”

Despite his obvious disdain for me, I smile. He’s absolutely right about Bale.

You go too far…


Bax’s eyes narrow.

I jerk mine toward the upper corner of my head, indicating that I was talking to the deranged deity. “She really dislikes blasphemy. So for the time being, let’s limit our number of insults to Her oh holy darkness.”

Propping the book on my knee, I lean in closer to the riled Otherworlder. “Before you sing Kal’s praises, issuing threats of how she’s coming to rip me limb from limb,” I say, angling the page so Bax can better see it. “Let’s have a discussion, you and me. Oh, and I darkened the room for you so you could remove your lenses if you wish.” I smile wide. “See how accommodating I can be?”

He snarls. “Break out your torture devices, Prince of Pain. I’ll not give you what you want.” My insides flare at the use of my Cage name, and Bax grins. “I won’t betray Kaliope.”

My eyebrows raise. “And yet, you just have.” His faint smile disappears. “How did you know I was seeking anything on the Nactue leader? Why would this”—I tap the page on Bale—“have anything to do with Kal?”

Bax turns his face toward the window. Silent.

I sigh. “Really. Are we going to have to get all primitive here? I was happy to leave that in the Otherworld, and simply hoping to have a civilized conversation.” I thumb to the next page and hold it up. “Look here, mongrel. It says Bale was stripped of her powers.”

Bax guffaws. “I thought that was obvious.”

I shrug, inching the book higher. “They lay dormant…most of them. It’s obvious that not all her powers were stripped. However, there must be some truth in this.” I point to the text. “I do understand physics, some. You can’t simply extinguish energy—power. It has to go somewhere. So, where did the goddesses put all that power that they took from their sister?”

He doesn’t respond, and my anger mounts, pulsing in rhythm with my aching temples. I gently set the book aside and ball my fist. Then land a hard punch to the side of Bax’s face.

When his attention snaps to me, I yank the chain around his neck, bringing his face level with mine. “I think we both know what I’m getting at. You’re smarter than the rest of your lowlife brethren.” I release the chain with a flick of my fingers. “I respected you for that. Don’t lose the only thing keeping you alive.”

Bax’s top lip twitches as a low growl builds in his throat. “It would be an honor, My Liege.”

I can’t help it, I laugh. Sitting back on my hands, I take in the Otherworlder. “It’s not the Goddess Alyah’s blessed mercury that swims though Kal’s veins at all, is it?”

Again Bax stares through the window. His silence is answer enough.

? 10 ?


I STILL HAVEN’T GOTTEN used to sleeping in Caben’s palace. Now, that doesn’t matter. My sleepless nights will be spent under the sky, the moon, tracking the Otherworlder’s. Tracking Caben.