My question lingers uncomfortably in the air as the Council members look to Julian, and Julian sends a pointed look at me.

Julian clears his throat. “Protector Kaliope,” he begins, and I already know where this is heading. “We’ve discussed this before—”

“No,” I interrupt before I can think better. Tonight’s happenings have me coiled tight. “You ordered his removal at the last meeting, and I ordered him right back. There was no discussion. I thought we had an understanding after that—Bax is one of our most important sources and allies. He has more knowledge of the Otherworld than anyone at this table and”—I narrow my eyes at Julian—“I trust him. He’s my friend.”

What I leave unsaid but is understood is that Julian Paynebridge is not, and I trust him about as far as I can throw him. Although that saying really isn’t accurate; I could toss Julian pretty damn far given the chance.

I’m surprised when Councilor Herna is the one to speak up. She adjusts her vissa display, positioning the glass display more comfortably over her eye. “I happen to be in agreement with the Nactue leader,” she says, and every person in the room looks to her. “Prince Caben is not…himself. And the Otherworlder can only enlighten us on what we’re up against.”

“It seems we know perfectly well what our young prince is planning,” Councilor Wilkin, one of the Perinyian Council members, says. His gaze moves between reading the screen of his own vissa display and the people in the room.

He takes his time, adjusting his dark blue robe at the collar before he continues. “He’s been possessed by the demon goddess herself. He wants, or rather she wants, total domination. Although I was inclined to believe the goddesses were a thing of our very distant past, it seems they are rather vigilant in gaining our attention once again.”

Julian scoffs. “Caben would’ve been the first to toss out this ridiculous notion.” He zeroes in on me. “Have we completely ruled out the possibility that she had something to do with Caben’s transformation? I mean, of course, other than the word of her friends and one mutant mongrel.”

The legs of my chair scape the floor, sending a screech echoing through the room as I stand. My fist slams the table. “I will not rehash this with you again.” My breath stutters in my chest as adrenaline builds in my veins. Pulling my fist back along the table, I allow my sleeve to drop, covering the swirl of mercury on my wrist. I don’t hide it anymore—but I don’t purposely temp questions from others, either. “I’ve told you the truth of what happened down there. And not one of the people who survived that bloody Reckoning feels the need to lie for me.”

“Protector Kaliope.” It’s Empress Iana’s voice that breaks through the haze of anger wrapping me. I feel her soft touch on my arm, and she guides me to my seat as she says, “We are all outraged and frightened over the happenings of tonight. But no one, regardless of status, will accuse my protectors of deceit.” I’m gloating until she adds, “And there will be no more outbursts.” She levels me with her amethyst eyes.

Embarrassment flushes my face. I feel like a scolded child, and maybe I deserve as much. Only I know my empress. She’s wise beyond her years; she has to see through Julian’s guise. Regardless, all of this is a waste of time. The real issue is what just occurred—the raid. And that is truly the reason for my anger. The fact that no one is insisting we trail the Otherworlders as they retreat, and track down Caben.

Empress Iana already corrected me once when I voiced my willingness to do just that. I suggested taking a number of protectors and a couple of the newly recruited Nactue—but my idea was quickly shut down. The empress reminded me that we’re in a foreign country, and the Perinyians are in charge of their affairs as far as what to do about their prince.

As I look around the room, the only person I feel is actually concerned about their prince is his cousin. But only in the sense of taking over his rulership.

I can feel the mercury in my blood rush to the clamp in my chest—the cybernetic device engineered to keep it away from my heart. It’s heated and fueling my resentment as this knowledge burns me from the inside. If not for disrespecting my ruler, I’d bolt from the room. A waste of time.

After everyone is settled and assured the unruly women of Cavan aren’t going to attack anyone, Julian tries again to sway the room. “I believe including Bax in matters that pertain precisely to the Otherworld is his only need. Otherwise, our council is best kept private.” His gray eyes pin me, saying more than his words. I’m not to discuss anything in this room with Bax.

I simply roll my eyes. Let him try to issue a violation against me. I’m still protected by the power Caben invested in me—his ring. It’s the one thing that has assured my word. To remind Julian of this, I thumb out the chain from beneath my shirt collar and run the pad of my finger over the cool red jewel in the center of the ring.

A thought hits me, and I wonder why Caben didn’t demand his ring right away when he had the chance. Though he’d have come up empty handed, as what he really wants—the crystal shard to the relic that was tucked behind the jewel—has been removed. Empress Iana now keeps it hidden behind a diamond in her crown. Caben needs the shard to restore the goddess relic. Without it, the relic is useless to Bale.

“Now,” Julian continues, assuming he’s made his point with me. “Let’s discuss how to deal with the matter at hand, shall we?”

The three Perinyian Council members nod, and I look to Lilly, confused. Maybe Julian is finally going to suggest something useful, like going after Caben, after all.

“Tonight’s show of youth and ignorance on the Nactue leader’s part is why we were unsuccessful in capturing Caben…Bale. Instead of presenting her inside knowledge of Caben’s intentions to try and sack the palace, she took it upon herself to set a trap and lead not only her protectors, but Perinya’s army as well, right into battle. Unprepared and unawares.”

The mercury is lava in my veins. My mouth falls open, ready to unleash on Julian when I feel Empress Iana’s hand rest atop mine under the table. Her touch is so light, it’s as if the Goddess Farrah herself works through her. I don’t know whether to feel honored or averse.

“Considering the time constraint,” Empress Iana says, “I think Protector Kaliope did everything possible to handle the situation quickly and responsibly.” The tightness in my chest eases some. “It was a surprise attack. How would you have handled it differently, Julian?”

My gaze snaps to him as I wait to hear his response. I’m relieved I didn’t lose my temper. The empress’s wisdom will do a much better job than my arguing with the dimwit.

He pushes his cape over his shoulder and sits back, lacing his fingers together on the table. Racking his brain, I’m sure, for a reasonable response. “I’d have issued the reserves to deploy, as well. Protector Kaliope did well there. But instead of waiting for the Otherworlders to breach the palace, and actually allowing them to do so, we should’ve ordered the reserves to surround them from behind, coming in from the woods. Had the Cury-crafts descend on them and capture Caben’s vehicle before he could tunnel under.” He raises his pointy chin.

I glance around, noting each of the Council members nodding slowly as they process Julian’s plan. Even Councilor Herna looks agreeable, which is rare. And if I didn’t already loath Julian so much, I might admit his strategy could’ve worked. But it might have failed also. There’s no way to be sure.

Was I only focused on Caben? On finally seeing him?

I don’t want to doubt myself.

But I do understand one thing: with a failed military plan, someone has to take the blame, and all other plausible options are then considered the better, should have done ones. It’s politics. The part I dislike the most of my burden as the Nactue leader.

“Your idea very may well have ended up fruitless, with no capture of th

e moon goddess,” Councilor Wilkin states. I’ve never heard either of the other Perinyian Councilors’ opinions. They seem to discuss things amongst themselves, and Wilkin is their collective voice. “But I agree that I’d have preferred a plan that did not involve the Otherworlders breaching our walls. That was reckless, and disrespectful to Perinyians as a whole, on Protector Kaliope’s part.”