
“Keep my ring,” he whispers. The deep blue or his irises is enhanced by the flicker of the Cage, and my chest tightens. “Keep it. For me. And then pass it down your line. Start a new linage.” He smiles, a beautiful smile that breaks my heart. “You’re everything I ever wanted—and your strength and honor is what I desire for my realm.”

I look down, my soul heavy, wanting more than anything for us to leave here together. For there to be a way—but no. Even if we somehow escape, he’s to be a king, and I’m a protector. Our worlds are far apart; our commitments distancing us as far as our countries. This is a desperate plea of a man facing death. I will take his words with me—cherish them forever. For however long that may be.

Only I can’t reject this request without telling him the whole truth—that I probably won’t walk out of here alive. I need him focused on the battle. I’ll simply have to give the ring back to him before I face the dark priest. One day, he will understand that this was the only way for him to go on and rule his kingdom.

That I’m his protector.

I pull a hand free and reach down to dig out the ring from the back of my boot. Then I tuck it into the front of my undershirt. Next to my heart. “I promise, Caben.”

He presses his lips to mine. My chest aches, and a burning scorches my throat. I kiss him back harder, past the ache, and commit to memory the feel of him.

This is the only vow I will ever break.

Our kiss deepens, and I wrap my arms around his neck, bringing him closer. Not caring that the other contenders are watching. Then too soon, the horn sounds and we break apart.

The goddesses have aligned the stars for this very moment. All the players are in place, and we’re all placing bets right along with the gamblers in the stands.

It’s time.

Bax turn to us and says, “Give them a good show, contenders.”

We line up at the barred door. Quiet. Determined. Three matches until we make a stand against the ring leaders. Some will not walk away from death, but I trust Bax to free as many as possible.

The door to Krewl’s chamber opens, and Kai steps out. My legs go numb, my body shakes, but I hold steady, believing everything is the will of the goddesses. Collar’s door grinds open, and a tall, muscled contender runs into the ring. He pumps his fists in the air, calling the cheers of the crowd.

The announcer shouts out the fighters—Kai and Tor—and my mind churns so violently that I miss Tor’s ranking. It really doesn’t matter, though. Kai is a seasoned Nactue. She’s had the best chance to become the reigning victor from the start.

She looks much younger and vulnerable without her eye makeup. Her hair is pulled back in a low ponytail, and her pants are rolled up past her shins. She circles the lofty contender. He strikes first and she blocks his blow easily, then sends her knee into his stomach. They dance around the ring like this, connecting and blocking, trading punches, until the horn blares and the weapons drop down.

Kai reaches for a sword just as Tor jumps for a spear. The breath I’ve been holding releases in a relieved exhale. She’s a protector, and the sword is our practiced weapon. She can do this. A cackle sounds inside my head, and I back away from the bars.

I’m tired of the dark goddess taunting me. I wish I could open my vein right now and free myself of the silver conduit swimming in my blood. But I have to hold on—just a while longer.

Tor is only a man. So far, I haven’t seen any Otherworlder mutations on him. It’s a fair fight for Kai, and she wields her sword like a goddess herself. As the spear lunges for her head, she knocks it to the side and thrusts her blade toward Tor.

His side is lanced, and his knees buckle, sending him to the ground. The crowd chants, demanding his death. Kai looks to me, and I nod. She has to do this. She’ll have time to seek forgiveness later, but right now, we’re in a war of our own.

She raises the sword above her head, wrenches a cry from her lungs, and drives it through the back of Tor’s neck. It’s a quick death. A merciful one. The only thing she can offer him.

The announcer calls the winner, and Kai turns her back to the roaring crowd and walks to the chamber. Her head is bowed, and I can feel the shame rolling off her.

She’s a Nactue. A protector. This is not what we spent years training to become. A killer.

Glancing to the risers, I spot the dark priest. His pale face alight, his thin lips turned up in a crooked smile. I can nearly feel the mercury seethe beneath my skin. Maybe the goddesses will grant me one swift blow to the bastard before this is over.

“We’re getting closer,” Caben says. He locks his arm around my waist and brings me to his side. I savor the warmth, the feel of his body pressed against mine.

After Tor’s body is removed from the Cage, the announcer calls forth two more contenders. Crew and Carnage.

“At least I’ll get one kill in,” Crew says as he walks past. He beats his chest once, and enters the Cage.

Caben glances at me and I raise an eyebrow. “Do you still trust him?” I ask.

“Yes,” he says. “I trust that he’ll keep his word because it serves him.”

I agree with his logic. Crew and Carnage meet in the middle of the Cage. My eyes roam over both contenders. They’re nearly the same size, and nothing but huge stacks of muscles. Carnage still favors his left leg as he did when we fought. Crew’s overconfidence in gaining a kill worries me. Though Carnage has his weaknesses, he’s still a fierce opponent.