I’ve killed.

My eyes seek Lilly. She slips her hand through the bars of her chamber and flattens her palm, her fingers crossed. Tears brim my eyes.

We’re still us—she’s still with me.

The announcer waves me to my feet, and I push off the ground. As I slink my way toward Bax’s chamber, I keep my gaze on Caben. I don’t know if he would’ve defeated Cannon in the final battle, but now I don’t have to worry. It’s over.

Goddesses, forgive me.

I guzzle water. My mouth is as dry as the sand-covered earth of Cavan. I can’t get enough. Maybe I can flush the evil from my system.

“That’s enough, Kal,” Caben says, taking the canteen from my lips. “Let the adrenaline ease first, or else you’ll get sick.”

Bax didn’t speak as he led us back to the cell. Lena stayed close to Crew. I doubt she fears another attack from me, but she hasn’t made eye contact with me since we left the Cage.

This was a shaky alliance from the start. The only thing holding it together is the possibility of our escape. But we don’t stand a true chance. They know this also. I just need to make sure Caben and Lilly are freed, and that the relic is returned to Empress Iana.

“Caben,” I say, glancing down at him as he continues to bandage my thigh. He looks up. “Before tomorrow . . . I need you to make me a promise.”

His brow furrows. “What are you asking?” He rips the gauze and ties the ends together, then sits back on the cot.

I press my back to the hard wall and stretch out my legs on the mattress, avoiding his eyes. “That no matter what, you’ll get the relic to my empress.”

“Kal, we’re both—“

“Just promise me,” I cut in. I meet and hold his stare. “I need to hear this vow spoken from your lips.”

He breathes deeply, releasing a heavy exhale of air through his nose, and presses his lips together. “If that’s what you need to hear, then yes.” He nods once. “I vow to return Cavan’s relic to the empress.”

I allow his oath to wash over me, knowing that as a prince, his honor binds him to his sworn words. As the man I know him to be, regardless of his noble blood, I trust that he will keep his pledge.

I wish I could ask more of him. I wish I could request for him to make sure my mother and father are taken care of, but that’s asking too much. If he succeeds in returning the relic, then the empress and Cavan will thrive. I have to trust the goddesses to watch over my family. And Lilly. Lilly will escape with Caben, and she’ll assure my parents are looked after.

This knowledge is a sudden release to my burdened mind, and I close my eyes, feeling maybe, for the last time, at peace.

A clank echoes through the tunnel and I jerk upright, my senses heightened and aware. The peace was bound to end.

After a tense-filled moment, the door to our chamber grinds open. Bax stands in the frame. “I need to speak with you, protector.”

“Whatever it is you have to say can be said in front of him.” I nod toward Caben.

Bax tips his head forward, his eyes hard on me as his brow rings glint in the dark light. “Now, protector.”

Groaning, I lift my leg and scoot to the edge of the cot. Distributing my weight to my good leg, I wobble over as Bax leads me into the tunnel. I’m curious as to why he didn’t give his usual speech after we returned.

He turns around and laces his arms over his bulky chest. “I was wrong about you,” he says, and his gaze drops to my chest. Self-conscious, I wrap my arms around myself.

“About what?” I ask.

“I was wrong in thinking you couldn’t stop it.”

My mouth parts, and a small flame of hope sparks within me. Bax continues before I can question him. “Who put that cybernetic fix in you?”

Taken aback, I cock my head and study his intense eyes. They’re the same beady pools of black as when I first met him. No red. “First, you answer a question.”

He shrugs, unruffled by my demand. “Go on.”

“Your eyes . . .” I motion my hand in front of my own. “Why do they change color?”