I tamp down the throaty voice in my head urging me to end his life. I thought it was the madness of the Otherworld invading my senses, but I know the truth. I’m standing atop Bale’s grave. The conduit running through my veins calls to her. I can hear her; feel her presence—her darkness. She’s not entered my mind; not able to hear my thoughts—the dark priest would have shut down our scheme if so—but I’m tired of hearing her voice. Tired of her madness pressing me.

The rage drumming though me after watching yet another of my Nactue die desires to end this beast trying to kill me now, but I have to remember who I am.

What I vowed.

To protect and serve those I care for.

Not to end lives for a blood sport—a dark goddess.

Cannon wraps his hulking arms around my midsection and lifts me off the ground. He squeezes, and a cry rips from my throat. The mercury pumps faster, scorching my insides. I pull my head back and snap it forward, knocking Cannon in the face.

His nose explodes. Blood sprays my face.

He drops me and swipes the air, his vision blurred. Sickened, I wipe at the blood. It smears over my skin—and I stop—allow it to hide the mercury rising to the surface. Jumping back into action, I kick his legs from beneath him and round his large form. Coming up behind him, I angle my arm around his thick neck and tighten until I see his eyes bulge. Their deep brown irises darken as he gasps for air.

I can kno

ck him out. Anger the ring leaders and the dark priest. They can come out here and kill us themselves to bleed their sacrifices for their goddess. I won’t do it. Lena had no choice, I understand that. But she also tried to use her kill to prep me for my fight. I think of her face as I squeeze Cannon’s neck tighter.

The horn sounds, and I look up. Weapons descend from the top of the Cage.

Before Cannon loses consciousness, he gets a handle on my wrist and kicks off the ground. His foot connects with my face.

I try to bring him with me as I’m knocked backward, but he scrambles sideways and breaks my hold. He takes off for the closest weapon dangling from the chains.

He yanks the flail free and swings the spiked ball above his head. The crowd stomps harder and faster as he builds momentum. The whom whom of the spikes slicing the air cuts through my eardrums.

Behind him, illuminated by the projected full moon, is a long sword. I bound to my feet and run.

The flail swipes the air and I just dive out of Cannon’s reach as the spiked ball slams the ground. He roars and jerks his weapon free of the black dirt. I turn and leap backward as the flail flies toward me again. It snags my tunic. The bottom of my shirt tears as I struggle free and sprint.

I hear the pad of Cannon’s bare feet thumping the ground behind me. Before he launches his weapon, I spring up and grab the sword. Dropping down next to him, I arc my blade against his flail. Our weapons meet with a metallic clang.

Cannon’s eyes widen, his sockets enlarging to deliver a crazed glare. He laughs a deep, adrenaline-filled chuckle. “It’s over, protector,” he roars. “I’m going to smash your bones to dust, just like I’ll do to little Red over there when I get to her.”

Spinning and blocking his blow, I glance at Krewl’s chamber, to where Lilly watches my battle wide-eyed. I knock Cannon’s chin with the hilt of my sword. Lilly lost Willa. She suffered through her death. I won’t let her witness my death, too.

I won’t give Cannon the chance to touch her.

As Cannon groans and swipes the flail at my stomach, I turn and dive. I have to get that flail; use the chain to choke him unconscious. I can spare Lilly and defy the ring leaders at the same time. I just have to—

A spike drives into my thigh and I scream.

I hit the ground hard, and Cannon yanks the spiked ball from my leg. I hear the sickening squish as it leaves my skin. He towers over me, a deranged look on his giant features. I feel the static pull of the electrified cage bars behind me. It tugs on the fabric of my clothes, my hair.

Cannon has me closed off. He swings the flail one final time above his head as he prepares to bring it down on my head. The ball descends, the whoosh filling my ears as the Cage zaps behind me.

I thrust my sword toward the flail.

The chain circles my blade, and I yank back and throw the sword behind my head. The sword connects with the Cage. A current travels through the spiked ball and chain to Cannon’s flesh.

His body sparks. His eyes illuminate like the moon above, and his body convulses. He sinks to the ground, still holding the flail as the current continues to drain his life.

I drop my head to the dirt.

The cheers of the crowd surround me, and the announcer’s voice shouts over the chaos.

I’ve won.