“Why? Has it offended you?” He makes like he’s going to draw his sword.

“Xander,” I say his name through a laugh. Our eyes meet and hold. He releases his grip on the hilt. I’ve said his name without addressing him properly, and I’m afraid I’ve given myself away.

“It’s very affecting,” he says, “hearing my name from your lips.” His eyes flick down my face, landing on my mouth. I’m forced to look away.

“Now,” he says, turning his attention back to the sky. “I was about to school you on the constellations.”

I release a relieved breath, but mentally curse myself, anyway. What am I doing? I’m wasting time. He’s distracted now, and I need to use this moment to my advantage. My training kicks in.

“You were,” I say, pretending to smooth my hair. I pull the vial of Hemlock from my bun. “How long have you been a knight?” I add to keep his thoughts off my actions. I palm the vial, then rest my hand against my back.

He sighs. “Not long.” He keeps his eyes trained on the sky, and I uncork the poison. “I’m younger than most, nineteen”—he eyes me quickly—“only officially a knight this past week. But I’m as experienced as the rest.”

“How so?” Feeling for the rim of his goblet, I dump the liquid. “What I mean is, what experience is needed? What training? There’s no threat.”

He snaps his face toward me. “Exactly.” His eyes are fierce, like I’ve stumbled onto a topic he feels passionately about. “They’re so rigorous. I spent weeks learning to fence, and hand to hand combat, and how to—” He laughs, shaking his head. “I apologize for getting carried away. A lady is not interested in such matters. It’s just . . . why are we taught these things if we’re never to use them? Though, I am grateful for the knowledge.”

I feel my eyebrows furrow. How can he be one of the king’s top knights and know nothing about the Rebels—the threat? Though the Force is used as intimidation to keep citizens in line, making sure they’re following era guidelines, their main duty is seeking us out and annihilating any chance of a rebellion.

If he’s only been in the Force a week, how did he achieve a high rank? What threat is he to us?

“You’re not boring me,” I say, batting my lashes. “I’m very interested in learning these things.” I cringe. If he has any sense at all, he’ll soon pick up on my probing. I press closer to him and lace my arm through his for good measure.

He gives his head a small shake. “A maiden interested in knighting? Now this impresses me.” He pushes off the glass and begins to lead me away. “I believe I can better point out the constellation I’m looking for from outside the atrium.” His eyes search mine, dark and inviting.

“Walk with me?”

“I—” I glance back at the goblet. Damn. “I would like that,” I finish. “But you’re leaving your wine.” Smooth, Fallon.

“It will be here when we return.”

Unless an innocent person drinks it by mistake, I think. “Let me fetch it. It’s ingrained in me not to leave things lying about. You know us women.” I turn my back to him, rolling my eyes. If he doesn’t figure this out now, after a lame line like that, maybe I have the wrong guy.

I quickly head toward the bench, but in my haste, I trip over a potted plant as I’m reaching for the goblet. A loud clink echoes, then the goblet shatters. The wine and poison flow out, the stone floor soaking it up. Shit.

“One of the maids will tend to it,” he says, coming up beside me. “A maiden as refined as yourself shouldn’t bother with such tasks.”

I nod. “Yes, I forget we’re at a celebration.” I give a forced laugh. “I’m sure the castle will be filled with all kinds of tasks tomorrow.” Like discovering the body of a knight in the forest. I shiver. Now I’m left with no alternative.

I link my arm through his. “Let’s go.” I gaze into his deep eyes, darker than the night sky. “I’d love to hear more about the stars and you.”

As we approach the atrium door, he pauses, reaching into his uniform. Then he pulls out a key ring and inserts a large, rusted key into the lock on the side of the large glass door. With a click, the door slides open, and we walk into the darkening night.

Chapter 2

The full moon shines down on the tall pines, illuminating the court woods in a blue-green hue. The pathway is narrow, and snapping twigs under our feet the only sound other than the haunting melody the crickets sing around us.

Most of my life has been in these woods. I spent hours hunting in the outskirts of Karm, but was never afraid. One of the only girls who’d go out alone, I developed a reputation for being fearless. Hunting wild animals in Karm is outlawed, just as fighting, weapons, and anything considered of violent nature. But I welcomed the rush of adrenalin. The feel of freedom the forest brings. It’s as far away from Karm as I can go without actually leaving.

Now . . . fear wraps its wary arms around me. I’ve never hunted a human. And though I was chosen for this mission because my mentor deemed me ready, a knot of resignation slams into my gut.

I’m an assassin.

I remind myself this is my calling—what I chose when I swore allegiance to the Rebels instead of King Hart. What I do tonight is for the good of Karm. Xander needs to be eliminated because Micha wouldn’t order it if there wasn’t a good reason. He’s my enemy. He may seem innocent, but I’m sure behind those kind eyes lie dark secrets.

Xander holds aside a low branch as I walk past. “Thank you, Sir Xander,” I say.

“Please, just Xander.” He releases the branch. “I’m addressed as such by my friends.”