And I think that’s the biggest reason right there why I never bothered. I have too much family drama for any girl to want to get involved with me seriously. Luckily, over the years, people have let it die. And I’ve worked hard to create my own rep.

It’s not really a secret…but most people don’t bring it up anymore. Anyone who knows better—and that’s everyone—knows it’s a taboo topic. I’m the only one who continues to torture myself over what happened.

Pushing the unwelcome thoughts aside, I try to decide just what the hell I’m doing with Ari. She doesn’t seem like the type to want to be fuck buddies. Just thinking that makes my chest ache in a dumb way. I mean shit, not that I haven’t thought about it—with her layers of clothes always concealing everything from the imagination. I know there’s a hot body buried beneath, just waiting to be explored. I’d love to discover what turns her on, and do it over and over until she’s dropped all her defenses. Clawing at my back and begging me not to stop.

Fuck. My heart is ramped, kicking my chest wall. I’ve never tortured myself like this over any girl here. I was almost free and clear and out. Safe. I should’ve known my past would come back to haunt me. And in the form of my previous tormentor. Karma’s a bitch.

I’m not getting out of here without paying my dues.

Like always, I notice Ari sitting with Vanessa and the other girl Haley. I’ve moved up to stalker status, having asked around until I discovered her main crew.

And as if on cue, I see her physically stiffen, like she senses me. At least I know I do affect her—just not sure in what way. Good or bad. But I guess a guy has to use what he’s got. I pivot, leaving Gavin staring questioningly after me, and head straight for Ari’s table.

I’ve figured out Nic

e Guy doesn’t do it for her, so maybe bringing back Bold Asshole will work more in my favor. Just this time, with no throwing her over my shoulder. Maybe.

I pull out a chair and sit right beside her. The other two girls at the table stare openly at me, eyes wide, while Ari continues to cut the crust from her dry toast.

“So, I was thinking,” I say, scooting my chair closer to her, “that I’ve given you enough time to think it through. I’m not a patient guy, and I’m definitely not patient when I want something badly.”

I watch as she licks her lips, concentrating hard on that toast. Shit, I could get lost staring at that pouty mouth. Blinking hard once, I force my gaze up, trying to make eye contact.

She sets the plastic knife down and rolls her shoulders back. “If I haven’t, or if the answer’s no, is the team going to do a panty raid next?”

Her friends smile, and one of them—Haley—says, “Maybe we should go get some chocolate.”

“Whatever, this is getting—oomph!” Vanessa grabs her side, where I just witnessed Haley elbow her. Meeting my gaze, Vanessa says, “Right. We’re gone. Be good to our girl.” Then she and Haley remove themselves from the table.

“Traitors,” Ari says under her breath.

A light chuckle slips from my mouth. “So. How about it?” I duck my head, attempting to capture her gaze. Finally, she looks at me. And those big amber eyes ensnare me. “Like, an old school date where I pick you up and take you somewhere nice. I have this event thing…uh. It’s not really a big deal, but I kind of need a date.”

Her face screws up. “So that’s it. You need a date, and what, all the Ryder groupies are otherwise unavailable?”

I exhale a heavy breath. Do I just speak Greek to her? Does nothing I say come out the way I plan it in my head? “That’s not it, Ari. I’d rather not go to this thing, but I figure it’s a nice, classy place, and it will be public.” I have the sudden desire to reach out and take her hand; I ball mine into a fist near my thigh. “Lots of people. No worries of me trying to get you alone…or anything.”

I swear, I see her face flush. Her gaze flicks to the table. “I’ll think about it,” she says.

“No time.” I duck my head again to pull her gaze to me. “It’s tonight.”

She laughs. “You want me to give you an answer now?” Her lips spread into an easy smile, making my chest tighten. “You do realize I’m a woman, right?”

“I may have taken note of that, yes.” My smile is so wide, my cheeks ache.

“And it takes like, just a little time for a woman to figure out the fine necessities of what to wear…especially to an event. Get her hair did, nails done, not eat bloaty foods for the whole day beforehand—”

“You look perfect. Wear whatever’s in your closet. And if you don’t have anything, which I seriously doubt—” I look over her nice, soft pink sweater and expensive black slacks “—then I’ll take you shopping first.”

Her full lips turn down at the corners. For a second, I think I’ve said the wrong thing, but then she shakes her head lightly, her loose curls spilling around her shoulders. “You’ve got this all worked out, don’t you?”

I nod once. “I do. Any way you try to get out of it, any excuse you throw at me, I have a counter offer. Just say yes and end my torment.” And I’m only half joking. If she continues to shoot me down, I might start to seriously question my sanity.

She sighs, long and deep, and the sultry sound of it slides over my skin. I’d love to hear what sound she makes while…

“All right.”

My thoughts rebound. “All right?”