“Show me your tits,” he says, his voice a husky boom.

Only Jesse could make that sentence sound as sexy as it does. And damn, it sounds so sexy. I pull my hands from his chest and grip the bottom of my fitted shirt. Then I tug it above the round swells of my bra.

“I love your titties, Mel. You’re so fucking hot.” One of his hands leaves my thigh to grasp my breast. He cups it and massages, quickly working it over the top of my pink bra. His hair grazes my chin as silky warmth envelops my nipple. He takes me into his hot mouth and flicks the tip with his tongue. Every nerve ending in my body reacts, rocketing out of control.

As he works his mouth all around my breast, his fingers dip inside me, the rough pads of his fingers a pleasurable friction against my slick, swollen flesh. I grab the back of his neck, pull him closer, pushing him in deeper. His thumb rubs my clit as his fingers slide in farther, kneading the throbbing center that’s now begging for something more.

My mind is hazy and my body thrums. A tiny, irritating noise at the back of my brain beckons for attention over the whoosh filling my ears. But it’s so distant, just a dribble among the downpour washing me away.

Jesse’s mouth goes to my neck. His arm wraps around my back, his hand latching on to my shoulder. He pulls me closer to him as his fingers get me off. And I’m so there…

“I want to fuck you so bad right now.” His words are low and hot against my skin. They burn with the same consuming fire as the coke coursing through my veins. “Let me fuck that tight little pussy, Mel. Ram my cock in and pump you so hard…shit—” he bites off. “Christ, I have to fuck you.”

And it’s all I wan

t in this second, too. Just to feel him filling me and taking me over the edge. Amplifying my high to the max. This one last time.

I reach between us and find the clasp of his jeans. Making quick work of getting his fly open, I fumble until I feel his hard length through his boxers. Then I’m rubbing him hard, coaxing his cock through the opening.

“Fuck—” He pulls back. His teeth snag his lower lip. “Whoa. Slow down. I’m going to fucking come if you don’t.”

Hearing how turned on he is…how turned on I’m making him…only speeds my movements. I slide my palm along the shaft, all the way down and then back up. I forgot just how big he was, and I’m enjoying making him squirm. It’s empowering. I feel like I can do anything. When he grasps my hip, his fingers halted inside me, I feel him trembling. His hand gripping me, body straining as his eyes lock with mine.

“Put me inside you,” he says, and my hand stops.

A single thought spikes through the thick haze wrapping my brain. “You have a condom?”

He groans, and his head lolls to the side. “There’s no way either of us will enjoy that—”

“Fuck you, Jess,” I snap. My high takes a momentary dive. “Just wrap it up.”

Removing his fingers, he shifts me to one of his legs and reaches behind me to fumble through the glove box. “I don’t have any.” Then he’s pushing back into his seat, his head leaning against the headrest. Eyes pleading.

I shake my head. “Oh, hell no.” I’m on birth control—get the shots every six months at clinics—but that’s not what I’m worried about with Jesse; he’s a needle user. I go to yank down my shirt, but his hand stops me.

I have no idea how he pulls this move off—but suddenly his arm encircles my waist and I’m turned onto my back. He bears down on top of me, his weight pushing me into the seat. He reaches down and tweaks the lever, and the seat smacks back with a thwack.

He hovers above me, a wide smile hiking one side of his face. “Just trust me.” His hand eases up my thigh and snags my panties. They come down around my ankles. Then his hand is back in position, his fingers caressing my clit. My body jerks from the fierce jolt of the many sensations skittering through my nervous system.

The warmth is back. Pleasantly swimming in my veins, on top of and beneath my skin. Fiery currents snap and sizzle where his skin touches mine. His smooth chest rubs against my breasts, causing my skin to flare at our joined body heat.

My skirt is tugged up around my waist, and Jesse runs the length of his cock over my clit. A moan tumbles from my lips, and I hear his quick intake of air. “You’re so wet…I could lose my shit right now—”

The quick position change and over stimuli are fucking with my head. I feel like I’m spinning, tunneling under—my equilibrium shifts. “Wait—” I press my palms against his chest. “It’s hitting hard now. I need to calm down for a minute.”

He doesn’t stop. His fingers are expertly working me open, readying me to take him in. His cock rests on top of my belly. I feel its heat and hardness, the throb of it as he grinds his chest against my hands.

“This is the best part, Mel. Don’t miss it. It will blow your mind.” His fingers dive deeper, and I push away, trying to move out of his hold. But we’re too close. Just too much all at once and my breathing ratchets. My pulse careens against my veins.

“No…just wait. Jesse…” My words are soft echoes in my ears. I’m not sure I can even hear them, or that he can. “I can’t. No.”

“Oh yeah, you can,” he says, finally releasing me. I suck in a breath, gasping as some of the tender sensations ease off. “You’re so ready.”

Then my heart hammers against my chest as I feel his weight drop down. His body covers me as he sinks inside—quick, hard, deep.

A wave of heat crashes over my head, and flickers of light blink against my vision. My mouth is open, but the words hanging on my tongue stay trapped in my mouth. My nails dig into his back. He groans, then backs out only to drive into me harder.

“Fuck…” He’s pumping now, his body smacking against mine. And all I can think about is the pulling at my hair. The long strands tangled behind my back and tearing at the roots as I’m pushed into the seat.