“Fuck it. One race,” I say. Before his arm encircles me, I pull back and add, “But on one condition.”

He raises his eyebrows over deep chocolate eyes.

“You forget about the little extra.”

Swiping his tongue over his bottom lip, he narrows his dark gaze. Studies me. “I can do that.” Then he moves in closer, where I can see the curve of his tat peeking above his collar. “But first, you do a little extra with me tonight.”

My gut twists. My hands get clammy, and my heart knocks hard against my ribs. “No.” I shake my head and then take a swig of my drink. “And you’re not going anywhere near my baby tomorrow if you—”

“Last time. Tonight,” he cuts in. “You’re the only one I ever get that pure bliss with, Mel. After this, I won’t ever ask again.” He uses his finger to cross his heart.

I know exactly what he means. Company can make all the difference in the level of high you obtain, and Jesse and I seem to reach astounding lev

els for some dumb reason. I can’t explain it, other than right now, something is damn near clawing at me from the inside to get to that feeling. Trying to break out and attack the guy in front of me.

Glancing across the crowd, I locate Darla. She’s already against the back wall, Crank leaning over her as he kisses her neck. She’ll be occupied for at least twenty minutes. Maybe more…if Crank doesn’t already have whisky dick.

I succumb. It wasn’t even a fight. “All right,” I tell Jesse. “But I just finished an eight ball not long ago. I don’t want a full dose. And I want to get back quickly to watch the band.”

See? I am responsible. I know what my body can and can’t handle. I know my limits.

Jesse’s full mouth quirks into his sexy smile, and despite my brotherly affection for him, I can appreciate it.

He spins my stool and steps in front of me, then pulls me up. “To the blow mobile.”

I laugh. A true one. Reaching behind me, I grab my drink and down it quickly.

I’m alive and aware. I’m about to find my happy.


To the depths, to the black, the hole in me


I groan as I shift on top of Jesse, trying to wedge my knees on either side of his hips. “Damn. Why can’t we just get in the back?” I grasp the oh shit handle with my left hand and palm the ceiling with my right. “This isn’t working.”

Jesse shakes his head. “Backseat is too obvious. This way, we just look like we’re getting busy.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Hey, use my jacket to block off the window.” He shrugs his vest off his shoulders, gets one arm free, and his hand nails me in the boob.


“Sorry…if your ass wasn’t so big…”

“Watch it,” I warn.

“I love that fat ass.” He grunts and grabs both butt cheeks, giving them a squeeze.

Laughing, I slap his arm. “Knock it off.”

Finally, he’s wriggled his jacket from behind him, and now hangs it over the passenger side window, trapping the bottom seam between the top of the window and door. I stare down at his sleeves—the tats covering his arms from neck to wrists. Colorful and intricate designs stand out against his leanly ripped arms.

Too bad. Dar’s right. If I didn’t know the guy so well, and he wasn’t a prospect for the MC, he’d probably make a damn fine boy toy. But a Lone Breed ol’ lady I am not. That much I know.

“You don’t have to dissolve, do you?” I ask, settling into a somewhat comfortable position on top of him.

“Already mixed and ready to go.” He lifts me, one hand anchored to my waist, as he digs into his pocket with his other. I try not to think about how good his movements feel against me…and am relieved when he pulls out the tiny vial. “Reach into the glove box.”

I do as requested, with difficulty, since I have to twist awkwardly to get my hand in the compartment. But I find the plastic wrapped syringes easily. “You should really hide these better.” I hand him two. “Where did you get these?”