Lately, his appetite is getting a little too out of control. I make a mental note to see that he’s keeping to the rules before I turn toward Gannet. “Seems we’re at a draw.”

Gannet sinks his hands into the pockets of his slacks, lifting his chin. “We both know there’s never a draw.”

This is true. Whenever a farce results in an even vote, no one shakes hands and walks away. I decide the verdict. I’m the judge, jury, and executioner.

“Malcolm Bates will not become a member of The Firm,” I declare.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Gannet relaxes some. “It was worth a try.” He grins.

I give him a curious look. Gannet wouldn’t bow out so easily—not when he thought the matter important enough to bring before all the partners. This was a fishing expedition. He’s gotten his answer…but what was the question?

He starts toward my bookshelf—a whole wall adorned with books on the law. My prized possessions. And in the center, the one possession I keep most guarded. “I wonder,” he says, eyeing the jeweled box, “if the reason you’re so against Bates joining The Firm has anything to do with a certain submission from Miss Wilde.”

His bloody nose forgotten, Mason turns wide eyes on me. “The little morsel who entered the internship a year ago? Ah, I’d forgotten about her.” His gaze narrows on me. “Interesting.”

“I didn’t forget about her,” Wells says, sloshing dark liquor around his tumbler. “I’ve kept a close watch on that one, waiting for the moment Julia decided she was ready.” He peeks up at me. “That is why you never terminated her, correct? Her prospects?”

“We all know how much you enjoy your chess clichés,” Gannet says, turning toward me. “So, are you finally going to promote your little paralegal pawn into a queen?”

“I say we play a real game of chess for her,” Wells states, nodding to the elegant glass chessboard I keep on display. “Make it interesting.”

“I hardly see her as chess worthy,” Mason quips, his tone nasally from his swollen nose. “I don’t even find her worthy of The Firm – but I wouldn’t mind giving her a proper fuck.”


Silence rings through the room, the deep boom of my voice effectively muzzling their mouths. As all eyes land on me, it’s now clear this was Gannet’s play all along. There’s been dissension brewing in the ranks for months, and this is his attempt at sussing out where loyalties lie.

“No one is to touch her,” I say, making eye contact with each of them. “Same rule applies now as it did before. I say when a girl is ready – and she’s not. She’ll never be permitted into The Firm.”

Gannet is the first to speak up. “Careful there, your kingship. It’s not polite to dangle forbidden fruit.”

And therein lies the truth. As our eyes stay locked, waiting for the other to waver first, I understand what’s at stake. The forbidden fruit of that which you cannot have—that which most men desire.


The board is cleared and reset, and the second my named partner lowers his gaze, I declare my opening move. A risky move, as it reveals a vulnerability. But that’s what he’s fishing for; a vulnerability, a weakness.

“If Alexis Wilde is to be considered, she’ll be assessed by me. And only me,” I state.

In a gambit, a small sacrifice is made in order to make a game. I just have to decide what—or who—I’m willing to sacrifice.

“We’re done here,” I say, returning to my desk and officially ending this meeting.

As the office clears out, Wells pauses near. “I wouldn’t worry too much about Gannet. Now obsession,” he says, a bright glint in his eyes. “She’s the dangerous bitch you should fear.” He sends me a wink as he exits.

My jaw clenches at the slam of the door. I hate that he’s right.

I move toward the jeweled box and open the lid. Taking out the silver necklace, I decide some sacrifices are necessary. If one of them needs me to have a weakness so they can make a play for the power seat, I’ll provide them with a weakness.

In that regard, chess is a little like magic. You just have to use the proper misdirection.


Hit Me With Your Best Shot


There’s a moment in life, a pivotal moment, when you’re presented with a choice that will forever change your course. There’s no Backspace option. No Delete or Return. You’re thrust