The thought makes me smile, but Julia’s stern assessment washes it from my face. “Of course,” I say, turning to leave.

“And, Alexis,” she says. I pause, hand clutched to the doorknob. “Handling the clientele is an important aspect – probably the most important. It’s one thing to research cases, but it’s how you finesse that research from our clients that’s crucial.”

I nod. “I understand that.” And I understand in that regard, I’m probably the most ill-suited paralegal for the job. However, I can’t let my insecurities interfere. I somehow summoned the courage to apply—even if it was a momentary lapse into desperation—I can will myself to become another person for this position. I need to.

It’s an opportunity that I might not get again. An opportunity to repair the damage. Money can fix almost anything…and enough of it might even rid me of my guilt.

Before I leave, Julia says, “Just out of curiosity. Why are you suddenly interested in the position? I’ll need to take that into consideration, of course.”

My heart constricts. I hang my head, gaze aimed at the binders in my arm. “Time,” I say.

“Excuse me?”

I look up. “It’s just time.”

Her smile is almost sincere. As I exit her office, I can feel the fabric of time slipping past my fingers as if it’s tangible, wishing I could turn it back. Just a few years, before I created my own destructive paradox.




Julia: She’s been addressed, sir

Me: She does not advance until I say

Julia: Yes, sir

I clear Julia’s message away just as Gannet enters my office. Pushing back in my leather chair, I prepare. The rules which govern life are much like the laws of chess. The proverbial chessboard is set; Gannet is right on time.

“You weren’t summoned,” I say. I always make the first move.

His deep chuckle grates my already frayed nerves. “You’re so archaic, Larkin. You weren’t summoned,” he mocks with a poor imitation of my voice. “Why can’t you just enjoy the win? Bates is a free man, and we’ve just billed out hundreds of partner hours. Bask in it.”

My reply to that is a blunt humph.

I was enjoying the win quite a bit until Julia brought Alexis Wilde to my attention. She’s not supposed to advance. She’s supposed to remain safely below radar. Truthfully, I should’ve released her after her internship was complete, but instead, I kept her in my department. Close to me. Unwilling to let her go, even if I wasn’t willing to claim her.

I’m a selfish beast that way.

But only when it comes to Alexis.

She’s a natural submissive. It’s what first caught my attention the day she breezed into my conference room, so unaware of her own power. Her head was lowered, unable to look anyone in the eyes for more than a few seconds. Her hair was short then, just able to tie back in a low knot. Not even long enough for a firm grip. Her little pencil skirt was so tight…every time one of the counselors asked her to change a slide during the presentation, I glimpsed the outline of her panties. The hint of her cunt. Which is why, I suspect, the counselor continued to ask her.

The men snickered and cleared their throats every time she did so. But my treasure is no simple whore. I watched her face tinge a beautiful pink hue, perspiration break across her cheeks, the moment she realized their game.

/> I shared in their amusement right up until the moment Alexis Wilde defied convention. Instead of storming out, letting her embarrassment churn into anger, she dutifully returned to the desk, leaned over, and changed the slide. Perfectly compliant.

I’ve never been as hard as I was that moment. In that second, I wanted—needed—to shove her chest against that desk and bury my cock inside her. And every day since, my hunger only grew. Until it turned into a treacherous obsession.

“Something’s bothering you,” Gannet says, breaking into my thoughts. “What is it? Don’t tell me you’re growing a conscience.”

Sitting forward, I glare at him. “So what if I am? What does having a conscience have to do with the law?”

He smiles at this, then his laugh booms through my office. “You’re a bastard.”

My own smile stretches as I ease back into my seat. This was a joke between us when I first brought Gannet on as my named partner. When things were stressful but simple. Before greed became the focus of the practice.