That ulcer gnaws at my stomach lining. Chase Larkin wanted Maddox out of his law firm, which my actions ensured, but I doubt the overseer of The Firm will welcome us with open arms to expose his members-only sex club.

It went on record that Dorian McGregor acquired the penthouse venue at the Skylark, Larkin’s hotel, for the auction through Maddox. Which for the most part was true. Larkin’s smart, and even though he vowed he was putting his trust in me and my team, all communication for the auction was handled through Maddox, and none of the other partners in his law firm were implicated.

After the auction bust, the FBI tore through that penthouse seeking evidence on members to tie to the sex trafficking ring. Nothing was uncovered. Nothing could be tied to Larkin or his firm.

It was as if the club never existed, a myth in the underground BDSM world.

All the partners have access to the Skylark penthouse. It’s a perk of Lark and Gannet. So Maddox using it as the venue for McGregor’s slave auction is tightly sealed evidence.

Larkin looks out for his members, ensuring their identities remain anonymous. He said as much to me before, but I know there’s still filth lurking in that law firm. If I have to use the guise of the search warrant to unearth it, so be it. My dues to Larkin are paid—we’re even and square.

The Alpha chose Lark and Gannet as a cover for his operation, and I want to know why. Larkin is still hiding something, and it’s time to find out what.

“Detective Quinn?”

Agent Bell’s tinkling voice cuts into my thoughts. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll have my team ready to go in half an hour.”

“Good. Thank you.” She saunters to the other side of the room, parks a hip against the corner of the table. “Special Agent Rollins will accompany your team to Lark and Gannet for the search, taking along a select number of agents. I want a clean search, people.”

My rebuttal is right on the tip of my tongue, but Bell cuts her eyes at me in warning. “I expect communication to remain open between us at all times, detective. We need to stay in contact on this.”

My jaw sets. The urge to dig her phone out of my pocket and crack it against the wall has me gripping the edge of the table. Instead, I meet her gray eyes with seething understanding.

For now, I’m her puppet. Her good little detective lap dog. I don’t want my team to be reprimanded due to their part in the covert op. She knows this. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to sit back and take it up the ass from the Feds, either.

I set the FBI-issued phone on the surface in front of me and force a smile. “Of course.”

Before the others in the room can question the tension between the agent and I, the Commonwealth’s Attorney enters, search warrant in hand.

Since Maddox is MIA, I wonder if Emmons will stay on as the acting Commonwealth Attorney for another term. Maddox’s campaign has been effectively suppressed due to his connection with a criminal network. And there are no other lawyers in the running. At least, not with the backing Maddox had to take her seat.

As I watch the exchange between Bell and Emmons, my paranoia rears its head. What would an appointed attorney do to keep their political career? Funding and favors go hand-in-hand for politicians. But then, Emmons isn’t responsible for framing Maddox. If anything, she owes me a favor of gratitude.

I shake my suspicions off and grab the phone, ready to get the hell out of this meeting.

Agent Bell casts me a curious look. “Detective, before you go, any updates from your team?”

It’s been less than twenty-four hours since she asked me the same. And just like yesterday, my answer stands. “Maddox’s whereabouts are still unknown. The tech team is watching credit cards and his bank accounts. Detective Carson is tailing Maddox’s clients, the two perps standing trial for kidnapping charges.” I glance at Carson and raise my eyebrows.

He stands, pulling his suit jacket straight. “Their movement hasn’t led to the location of Maddox…yet. But both their vehicles have trackers, and I’m logging all questionable activity.”

Agent bell gives him her full attention. “Questionable activity?”

He clears his throat. “The two perps spend a lot of time at strip clubs,” he says. “I’m looking into each one for any suspicious activity or leads from the owners and employees.”

She smiles. “Okay, good. Good work.”

He gets a pat on the back for investigating lap dances? I shake my head as I advance toward the door. I’ve met my daily Fed bullshit quota, and there’s a dirty law firm that needs dusting.




My newest officer detail likes video games and social media. Long walks on the beach, and candlelit dinners. These are the things you get to know about a person when you spend too much time with them, running out of things to talk about.

Detective Alec Carson was not Quinn’s first choice—clearly not mine. Certain happenings during The Firm operation have made things among all three of us awkward, to say the least. But Quinn was more opposed to having an outsider be in charge of my safety.