“What was that?” Sadie asks.

I glance into the lab, checking on Paulson. He’s administering the medicine to Carson, seeming focused. One of us should be in there. Dammit.

“I don’t trust him,” I say, hunkering near Sadie. Then I thumb on my phone, grateful I didn’t break the screen. “I installed a tracking app for Avery,” I whisper.

“One, that’s creepy,” she says, then shrugs. “But two, considering Avery, smart.”

A slight smile fights free. “That’s pretty much what she said. But if she still has it on her…” A green dot indicates her location. “I got her.”

The feeling of relief is so acute, I damn near topple over. I hold on to the chair, gearing myself up for what comes next.

“She knew,” Sadie says.

That one sentence decimates me. My relief overshadowed my observation. She’s right; Avery knew that I’d find the hidden feed…just like she knew what she was doing when she left.

With Agent Bell.

With the Alpha.

“She may not have known exactly who Lena was,” Sadie attempts to console me.

But Avery used the tracker she was so adamant against because she knew she might be in danger. And she had a gun—my gun. “Someone needs to stay with Carson.” I push onto my feet and start out of the office.

Sadie grabs ahold of my arm. “You can’t go alone. What—? You’re going to bust in, guns blazing? And walk right back out?”

I whirl on her, anger firing blood through my veins. “She put herself in danger to protect me,” I say. “To protect you. So yeah, I’m going in, guns blazing.”

Stricken, Sadie steps back. “If you want to do this solo, fine. Be that guy. But don’t let your anger with me put Avery in even more danger. She deserves the level-headed detective who can rationalize for her. Not a big hot-head with an ego to match.” She stares me down. “Do you want a partner on this or not?”

“Christ, Sadie! There’s no time for this shit.” My fist goes for the wall, but I pull back before making contact. I’ve beat myself up enough. I’ll need every part of me intact. “Carson is out of commission.” I face her. “Wexler thinks I’ve lost my mind. He’ll probably have my badge before the end of the day. The Feds will demand my badge if I even hint their director is dirty.”

“You didn’t answer my question.”

I hang my head, a humorless laugh falling from my mouth. When I look up, I meet her resolute gaze. “That simple, huh? Forgive and forget?”

She crosses her arms.

“Yeah,” I say. “I want my partner on this. My partner. Not a sociopathic crime crusader. Can I get that person?”

She cocks her head. “Sounds like you need both right now.”

Mother fuck. Defeated, I say, “So what do you got?”

She heads around the desk and taps the keyboard. “I got enough.”




The muted ringing in my ears dulls my senses, allowing Lena to rip the gun from my hands. She lands a punch to my stomach. I crumple over and come away with red coating my palms.

I’m hit.

Panic flares as I search my stomach for a gunshot wound. I wince as I press below my ribs, locating a wound along my waist.

“It’s a graze.” She pulls back the decocker on the gun. “But it still hurts like hell.” She shoves me forward, and my feet stumble until I’m collected enough to gain my balance.