I glance over at Wexler, who’s unable to mask his anxiousness. He should be concerned. He’s just let a whole lot of trouble walk right into his precinct. Agent Bell heads into the bullpen, and I follow closely behind.

Allowing Special Agent Lena Bell to address the task force was easier and less painful than I thought it would be. She took the reins, grouping unis and detectives into individual teams with their own assignments.

Even during the serial killer case, I refused to let Agent Proctor call all the shots. The last side op I orchestrated with Sadie could’ve gotten her killed, and I was attacked. I’m not above admitting when I make a mistake, and I’d like to believe I learn from them. So this time, I’m more than capable of hanging back and letting the big dogs set the pace.

You learn more when you watch.

Maybe it’s me getting older, having run low on that young blood testosterone that demands I chase after every suspect, but if I’ve discovered anything from the previous case, it’s this: narcissists will make themselves known.

I don’t have to chase down every one, throwing my weight around. Tackling every suspect and beating answers out. If you listen closely, they’ll reveal the answers. They can’t help but want to be heard.

Once Agent Bell wraps up the task force meeting, sending the teams on their way, she approaches me with a phone. “This is your direct line to me.” She takes my hand in hers and places the phone in my palm. She doesn’t release me right away, her hand too soft and small compared to my rough, large one.

“I know this is difficult for you,” she continues. “Everyone here cares for Doctor Johnson and wants to see her safe, but you especially.”

I pull my hand free and slide the phone into my breast pocket. “I don’t think it takes special intelligence to uncover that fact and state the obvious.”

A tight smile seams her lips together. “Human trafficking cases are never easy, Quinn. Couple that with a serial killer amid this case, and that makes it even harder. I’ve worked many trafficking cases, and every time, there’s a painful tradeoff. You lose a part of yourself with each one.” She sighs. “It’s either that, or never be able to sleep. You have to harden yourself in ways that separate you from the people you care about.”

I tilt my head, really studying her. “Are you trying to warn me about something?”

She touches my arm. “It can get lonely. And I realize you’re an island. You’ve said yourself that you work best alone.” She caresses my arm tenderly. “You’re a leader, and leaders suffer isolation like no other. I don’t want this case to do that to you. I want you to know that I understand…that I can relate to that loneliness.”

Mother of mercy. Talk about head shrinking. I’d be scared to put her and Sadie in the same room together. I offer her a genuine smile to diffuse some of my discomfort. “I appreciate your concern, Agent—”

“Lena,” she states.


sp; “Ah, Lena.” I scrub the back of my neck, heat splashing my face. “But I did say that I work with a partner. Thank you, though. If I have any questions or concerns, I know where to bring them.”

“Anytime,” she says. “My proverbial door is always open to you.”

Jesus. I watch her saunter off toward Wexler, her hips swinging, long legs eating up the floor with each sultry step. If she lays it on me that heavily, I worry about the poor bastard she really puts in her sights.

I’m not the only one who picked up on what she was dropping. Sadie stands at the door to my office, her arms crossed, one eyebrow cocked.

Hell. Of course she saw.

I head her way and open my door, standing to the side as I nod her inside. “Don’t start—”

“If that scene got any hotter, I’d have to douse you with a bucket of ice water.” She tilts her head. “And someone should hose her down for sure.”

For the moment, I let her have her victory. “I think that’s her way of keeping tabs.”

She smirks. “I thought you were more perceptive than that.”

I shake my head. “Why are you here?”

Her head jerks back. “Why am I here? The FBI are heading up a full investigation into a criminal network they believe are in charge of the major human trafficking in Virginia. Right here, in this department.” She eases closer to me. “And we have intel on an auction that happens to be taking place tonight.”

I lean back against my desk, cross my arms. “So we let the Feds handle it.”

The shock on her face would cause me physical pain any other day. Sadie’s disappointed glower can bring a man to his knees. But not today.

“You’re really going to hand over control to the Feds. Put Avery’s fate in their hands.”

“Is that what I’m doing?” I straighten to my full height and look down at her.