see it in her downcast eyes. The way she tugs at her lip.

“The Feds have taken over contacting the families?” I ask.

She forces her hand to her lap and looks up. “Yes. As long as the case is open here, we can retain the victims for further examination. But I’m sure they’re going to want to lay them to rest—I mean, I’m sure we’ll have to extradite them soon.”

She can fool herself all she wants, hardening herself into a top professional of her field, but I glimpse the mournful compassion beneath her well constructed doctor persona.

“And Chase Larkin provided proof to back Avery’s discovery today,” Sadie interjects. She looks at Colton and holds his gaze, as if gathering courage. “The person who calls themself the Alpha is conducting an underground auction tomorrow night at The Firm. Larkin’s exclusive association.”

She doesn’t have to voice what the merchandise is. If it’s true, if the murdered women that have been appearing near Dumpsters have only been a diversion for this auction, then we’re facing a special brand of evil.

“Why there?” Carson asks. “I mean, why would the Alpha trust a venue that’s not specifically his to control. Why run the risk?”

Good question, rook. I go to respond, but my front door rattles with a low knock before it’s opened. I reach for my gun and curse. But Sadie and Carson are quick to draw theirs.

“Resources.” Larkin stands in the threshold, then seeing the weapons, squares his shoulders. “And here I thought we were invited.”

As Sadie and Carson lower their guns, I take off toward Larkin. “Rich lawyers suddenly supersede breaking and entering laws?” I march past him and check the outside corridor.

Alexis smiles demurely at me as she crosses into the apartment behind Larkin. Once I clear the corridor, making sure Larkin doesn’t have any uninvited guests loitering, I shut and lock the door.

“In retrospect, I probably should’ve waited,” Larkin says, that annoying, million-watt lawyer smile on full display. “Definitely don’t want to get shot. However, I thought it would be ideal to get out of eyesight as soon as possible.”

Risking a lot, or not worth the risk? His whole agenda is shady, and his presence sucks the meager light right out of the room. His other half—Alexis—stands beside him, her hands cupped before her black pencil skirt, his dark little shadow.

“Well, let’s not chance being seen together any longer than necessary,” I say, crossing my arms. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t just hand you over to the Feds.”

It’s Alexis who steps forward to answer. “Because they’re tainted.”

My brows push together. “What do you mean?”

“As I was saying,” Larkin stresses. “My firm has resources. Superlative resources. The Alpha has targeted my firm because they want all potential buyers vetted beforehand.” He mirrors my stance, gaze unwavering. “And due to those resources, I’ve been made aware of a possible breach in the local FBI Organized Crime Division. That’s why I didn’t reach out to them.”

“What breach?”

He glances around my living room, quickly assessing everyone here. “You know how likely it is to have a leak within your department, Detective Quinn. The FBI aren’t without their own security challenges.”

Right. If it smells like bullshit… “That aside, you think we’re your best option to rid you of your problem.” I lift my chin.

“Exactly.” He smiles. “As I said before, we can both get what we desire by working together.”

I shake my head. “What makes you think you have any idea—?”

“You want Miss Johnson safe.” His attention shifts to Avery. “From how you’ve all gathered here, potentially risking your careers, you all want the same.”

A pang knocks my chest. No one responds, because it’s damn true.

I take a step forward. “Since you’re so perceptive, tell me how the fuck you can ask any one of us to allow Avery into The Firm.”

Yet Avery’s the one to stand and answer. “I can’t and won’t risk anyone else. I’m willing to be the one to do this.” She takes a breath. “I should be the one.”

“She’ll be protected there,” Alexis assures. She glances at Avery. “I’ll be there with her, and I promise she won’t be harmed. She’ll be more protected there than anywhere else in this city. No one has reason to suspect her of being there.”

My jaw sets at hearing this woman use Avery’s name. I find Avery’s eyes, seeking her answer. For whatever reason, whether it’s her own selfless nature or the drive to be noble, or the need to see her job through to this impossible end… She’s determined to do it.

Sadie speaks up. “Quinn, if I could, I would take her place. You know I would.” She lowers the collar of her shirt, revealing the thick scar marring her collarbone. “But, no amount of cosmetics will hide my identity.”

What’s not being voiced: How any of the members or lawyers at The Firm would know her identity. But they do, and not just due to Larkin’s “extensive resources.” Sadie has some other connection to this law firm and, I swear, before this is all said and done, I’ll have answers.