I rarely quote one of the greats if I can’t do them justice—but what the hell? A little butchering never hurt anyone. That is, unless you’re literal in your butchering.

“Those who restrain their desires, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained.” I smooth her damp hair away from her face. William Blake would roll over in his grave, but I rather like the idea of making his sentiments my own.

I tick my chin, ordering Donavan and Micah to leave us. “I don’t think this one needs the brute force.”

As they exit the room, my whore arches her back, eases her hands up my thighs, seeking friction. “It’s so warm…” She begins to peel her shirt up, and I catch her wrist.

“Your clothes stay on.”

With a pout, she drops the hem, and is quick to move on to my thighs again.

I kick her away, and she hits the hardwood floor with a yelp. “There’s a box of toys at your disposal.” I nod toward the chest I had Donovan cart in. “Satisfy yourself until you’re content.”

I pull out my phone and thumb on the timer. Time to see how far my investment will go. And if my girl tires of pleasuring herself, Donovan or another can step in. Maybe a tag team approach to test the drug’s stability.

I chose this specimen because she’s the healthiest of the lot. All her medical tests came back clean, and of course, I exercise my girls regularly. I’m not in the business of smuggling dirty skanks; I’m in the business of providing the finest quality for my clients.

It was only logical, then, that the next step would be to rid the market of heroin-doped runts who snivel and cry. Thrash for release when they sober up. Of course, there’s a particularly lucrative clientele for that market. And I have dabbled in it plenty. But my sights are set higher now. Providing the rich and powerful, the men who control the world, with willing slaves to satisfy their every desire.

Because when you control that market, you control the rich and powerful themselves.

As I watch her stretch her legs wide and insert a dildo into her pussy, moaning from ecstasy, the Trifecta sensitizing her nerve endings, I toggle to my contacts and locate Maddox.

“I expect everything has been arranged for tomorrow night.”

There’s a shuffling noise, and my agitation peaks. This should’ve been handled by now.

“One moment,” he says.

“Take your time,” I say, nudging the whore away from me with my heel. She takes the hint that I’m in no mood for games and scoots farther away before proceeding to pleasure herself. “I do have others I can put in your place if this is becoming too complicated for you.”

“I’m here,” he says, his voice hushed. I wonder who he’s trying to avoid. “But I’ve had some complications. There’s an agent analyst here—a profiler with the ACPD—and a detective.” He sighs a heavy breath. “They’re asking questions and poking around, making this a difficult venture today. I thought you were going to keep the heat off me?”

My temper flares at his indignation, his assumption that I—in any way—work for him. I force my voice calm. “They’ll be preoccupied soon.” By now, Doctor Johnson has received my gift to her, and her team, I’m sure, is devising strategies to keep her protected.

That should keep them busy enough, giving me sufficient cover to organize the show.

“Besides,” Maddox says, interrupting my thoughts. “Larkin doesn’t appear to want to play by our rules.”

I smile. “Just remind him of his obligation to return my favor. Or I can just as easily let him and his law firm take all the heat.”

Caleb Mason—a former partner at Lark and Gannet—had a nasty habit of framing his clients for rapes he committed. When Mason decided to turn his sights on Larkin’s lovely little paralegal, I took it upon myself to intervene. Mason’s disappearance didn’t raise any red flags for authorities—I made sure it wasn’t reported. But it would’ve been inane on my part to dispose of Mason completely. I may just have need for him yet—at least, the easily identifiable parts of him.

“It would be ideal for Gannet to make his move to acquire the power seat of the firm,” Maddox continues. “He’s completely onboard.”

“What is Gannet’s hang-up, then?”

“Dominating share holders.” A beat. “I’ve uncovered a failsafe in place if any of the partners attempt to procure majority of the shares. The Firm goes into a forced shutdown. Members

’ information is destroyed, and the members themselves disappear, as if they were never involved.”

Interesting. Chase Larkin is one savvy businessman. A business model I can respect. But no system and no man is without a weakness. If he can’t simply be removed as an obstacle, I’ll find a way to suss out the chink in his armor.

I’m sure his pretty paralegal can help me there.

“Gannet has no theories?” I sit forward.

“There’s a paralegal that Larkin seems particularly vulnerable to. I think we’re devising a plan.” Gannet seems to be on the same page. Good. “Otherwise, I’ll have everything prepared for tomorrow night.”