As much as I hate to admit it, it sure as shit sounds like an organized operation. Avery was taken to design a drug for some highly organized criminals, and now it seems they’re doing away with unwanted baggage.

“Might be why it’s the Organized Crime Division that stepped in,” Carson continues.

I drop my hands. “What?”

He looks around. “The Feds? The local Organized Crime—”

“I know that—I meant, why would they get involved?”

Carson shrugs. “They advanced the case to a serial killer, but maybe they’re not buying this is the work of one killer. They could be thinking it’s a group—an organized group—on a killing spree.”

That’s not bad logic. “What does Avery say?”

His face darkens, matching the sudden overcast sky. “She was pretty shaken up. The vic was dressed in a lab coat. I think it caught her off-guard.”

“Where is she?”

“She went back to the crime lab to get a jump on processing trace. I’m waiting for the body pick-up crew now.”

My stomach twists as I realize Avery didn’t want to be around for the van to arrive. I don’t fucking blame her. “Any word on the other scenes?”

Carson blows out a breath. “From what I heard, they’re just as grisly as this one. Soon as the bus gets here, I’m going to push my way onto the next one. Try to get as much info as I can.”

I nod. “Do me a favor,” I say, slipping him a folded piece of paper. “Get this to the techs and see if they can run a search on this handle.”

Before I came here, I stopped by my apartment and used Avery’s laptop to track down the forum post from A_King—the screen name the kid actually came through on. There was only one short thread, but it was suspicious enough to raise my hackles. My own search didn’t pull anything up; this person is well hidden in cyberworld. At least, for what my skills can detect. Finding him could mean finding the perps responsible for Avery’s abduction, or at the very least, a new lead.

A King—like he’s the damn king of the darknet. Pretty fucking vain handle. It’s too vague to search without the proper, sophisticated tech.

“Is this something that’s going to have the captain chewing my ass out?”

I narrow my gaze on Carson. “Do you care?”

He sighs. “No. Not if it means we get the bastards and Avery’s safe.”

My throat constricts. I’m not the only one who wants to keep her protected. I know this and yet, there’s a selfish part of me that wants to be her sole protector. Her fucking hero.

“She’ll need some help contacting next of kin.” I look toward the scene. “It’s not easy when there’s one vic, and now she has five bodies and five reports to give.”

Carson nods. “I can do that. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find a link among the vics. There has to be a connection.”

I have a sinking feeling that these vics were chosen precisely due to their lack of connection with each other. The perp we’re hunting may not be a serial killer in his own right, but his methods mimic that of one. And we can use that.

“All right. Looks like I’m out,” Carson says as the transport van pulls up to the scene. “Time to see the clusterfuck the precinct has become.”

“Hey—” It’s right on the tip of my tongue, the words to tell him he’s doing a good job. As he faces me, waiting, I drive a hand through my hair. “Keep me posted, and keep up the good work.”

A slanted smile crosses his face. “Aw. Thanks, boss.”

My phone beeps, breaking the awkward moment, and I’m fucking thankful. “Yeah. Just don’t let the Feds get in the way.”

He solutes me and heads off as I check my phone.

Sadie: You need to get over to Lark and Gannet. Go alone.

Me: Rather cryptic. On my way.

Elated. That’s the only way to describe this adrenaline-charged sensation. I’m filled with purpose from one damn text. I’m halfway to my car when I realize I’m abandoning Avery for the job.