Sadie: You have something of mine, and I want it back.

A wild laugh escapes me.

Me: I’ve missed you.

Sadie: Then let’s make a trade.

My hands quake with my anticipation as I clutch the phone.

One more game, then checkmate.




“The signal is pinging all over the state,” the tech behind the computer says. “He’s using a proxy chain. No way to get an accurate trace.”

Sadie curses as she stares down at her cell phone. “And he’s not taking the bait. Dammit. I need to send a message that really tempts him.”

Quinn holds up his hand. “He knows what we’re trying to do.”

“We have to try,” she says. “I can convince him to meet with me. I just need more time…to be able to get inside his head.”

She looks over at me, her eyes fierce. I know what’s going through her mind. Her words say one thing to Quinn and the task force, and another entirely to me. When she makes her move away from them, I’ll be there. I won’t let her do this alone.

“He has to feel like he’s the one in control,” she continues, her thumbs flying over the on-screen keyboard. “As long as I stay in communication with him, keep his focus on me, he’s not…” She trails off, pain flashing across her face. She clears her throat. “Then he’s not focused on Avery.”

“Letting the UNSUB be the shot caller is not what we want,” Quinn says.

Sadie’s gaze swings up. “He’s a pathological narcissist who needs all attention to be on him. If it’s not, if anything threatens his sense of control, he’ll devolve. He’ll become unpredictable, and I’m not letting that happen.” Her glare narrows on Quinn. “Besides, he has Avery. He’s absolutely the shot caller.”

I glance between them, caught in the middle of their stare down, observing a battle of wills that must’ve started long before now. I’m tempted to back up Sadie—she knows more about this UNSUB’s character than anyone here—but I know my place. And it’s not in the line of fire. For now.

With a disgruntled sigh, Quinn caves. “Are we ready to give the updated profile to the task force?”

She finishes her text as the techs monitor each keystroke. “Yes.” She looks up. “We’re ready. I’ve already given the unis a short comparison sheet. I put them on the task of bringing in any suspect that matches that description. I want every possible offender put in holding while I’m able to keep in contact with the UNSUB.”

“We don’t have the resources or the time to hunt down every suspect and bring them in, Bonds,” Quinn roars.

Sadie moves to stand at the front of the conference room, a whirl of chaos rushing around her. She’s the calm center of a storm in the midst of crashing waves; they break against her, but she’s the rock holding strong against the tide. She’s beautiful.

“Make it happen,” she snaps. “We’re wasting time arguing over it. I need to get out of here and—”

“And go where?” Quinn steps closer to her, and my hands curl into fists at my sides. “This entire building has already been processed. I’ve told you this.”

She stares right back at him. “Not by me it hasn’t.”

Quinn shakes his head. “What are you hoping to find that CSU hasn’t?”

“I don’t know, Quinn—I’ll know it when I see it. And right now, we have nothing else.” Her bottom lip trembles, just for a second. Just a peek into the doubt and heartache clashing inside her.

That one glimpse at her pain sends me to her side, earning me a cool glare from Quinn. “She’s right. You know she needs to be the one to head this up.”

Sticking my neck out in front of Quinn isn’t the smartest move. Especially when there’s a piece of evidence in the form of a letter from the UNSUB addressed to me in my pocket. But there’s an understanding between Quinn and me. He’s not calling into question her knowledge on the case or her ability to work it; he’s concerned for her safety. That concern, however, is going to cost Avery her life if he doesn’t trust himself to protect Sadie.

I uncovered that insecurity during our tense ride to the station when he threatened me to stay away from her. It was a revealing moment between us that put a bad taste in my mouth.