“My office, Bonds.”

I glance back at Colton and nod firmly. “Please continue to—”

“I’m on it.” He holds up the files.

I offer him a grateful smile before I’m escorted into Quinn’s office. I turn, my mouth already parted as I prepare to defend my place on the task force, but the sight of Lyle Connelly steals my breath. A blown-up image of his face hangs on Quinn’s whiteboard. A collection of data about his whereabouts is scattered around his photo. Red string connects points on a map, denoting sightings.

“So you did hear me,” I say, walking toward the clear board. “I knew you would look into him. You put this together last night?”

“I started it…but I didn’t dig in until Avery. Jesus, Sadie. Tell me what the fuck is going on.” I turn to see him drive a hand through his hair, his blue tie hanging loose over a rumpled white shirt.

An ache blisters the back of my throat. “I need to tell you—”

“No, you know what?” He storms toward me and anchors his large hands to my arms, holding me securely before him. “Don’t tell me. Don’t say a word.”

“Quinn, I have to—”

“Bonds, the only thing that counts right now, this second, is finding our M.E. You hear me? Do you understand?” His eyes fill with an alarming desperation, and his hands latch on harder, as if any word that passes my lips will tear me from his grasp. “I can’t do anything with that information right now. Nothing. Because I need you on this case.”

With a heavy sigh, he releases me and heads to his desk where he pulls out an evidence bag. He removes my phones and tosses me one and then the other.

Awkwardly, I catch both and grip them by my sides. “I’m back in? That simple?”

He nods once. “When we nail this bastard and Avery’s safe, you know I’ll have to investigate.”

“I know.” And I do. It has nothing to do with us—it’s not personal. Quinn also swore an oath, but unlike me, he doesn’t believe in gray areas. It’s all black and white. He’s always been by the book. I don’t fault him at all.

“Until then…” He walks around the desk, his shoulders squared, his head higher despite his obvious exertion. “You’re my partner on this.”

I swallow the emotion clogging my throat. A stupid smile twists my lips despite my whole body and soul feeling as if I’ve been flayed. “Your partner? I thought you didn’t do partners, Quinn. Especially profilers.”

He shrugs a heavy shoulder. “You have what I need, Bonds.” His gaze stays locked on mine as the weight of his statement hangs between us. “And I know that you’ll do everything within your power to help Avery. That’s good enough for me.”

The air between us feels as fragile as the atmosphere outside this room. We’re linked together by our shared desire to see Avery safe, and to capture the monster responsible for that threat. But it’s a tenuous thread joining us—a single pull in either direction could snap it, and we both know that.

I glance through the glass wall at Colton scouring the files. I could’ve gone my whole life never truly knowing what it meant to be loved, needed. Adored. Trusted, and to be able to return that trust. I was always alone. Alone is safe.

I think about Avery…her face twisted in pain, all by herself.

Alone is not safe.

Alone is the most frightening place.

Avery will not stay alone.

I look into Quinn’s eyes. “When this is over, I won’t run.”

“I know.”

“But I won’t make it easy.”

“I know that, too.”

I suck in a breath. “For the first time, I have something to lose. I’m going to fight for it.”

He glances at Colton, a hard line creasing his mouth. “Are you sure he’s worth it?”