I was riveted.

Of course, I had the choice to stop it. She was taking away my mentor, my master, the man who took me under his wing and improved me. But I couldn’t stop watching. And, oh, how I loved to watch.

She transformed before my eyes, shedding her vibrant outer layer, a brilliant metamorphosis as she stripped of her cocoon and expanded her wings.

Those are the wings I craved.

I would forever long to be swept up into her guidance.

I knew, right then, that she wouldn’t run for help. She wouldn’t seek her phone, or radio in the attack. She didn’t walk through those bar doors with that ending in mind. I spotted it right away—what Connelly had missed: she’s a hunter.

While Connelly stalked her, she was drawing him into her web.

There was no victim in her.

I never touched myself through the whole scene. As my love looked down on her prey, fighting to staunch the bleeding, desperate to escape her claws, she swooped down and grabbed the knife.

She knelt in the mud—just as he had done to her—and whispered something into his ear. I craved so badly to know what it was. I would know. One day, I would find out.

And as she drew back, she let him see the blade coming for him. She moved purposely, methodically, savoring the fear in his eyes as she severed his carotid. One clean, perfect slice. No hesitation.

I came then. I came hard and furious, the release almost costing me my hiding place as I buried my mouth against the whore’s breast to muffle my cry. I groaned into her dead flesh, my whole body alive and pulsing.

Pure rapture.

I was no longer envy; I was ecstasy.

Ecstasy, I had tasted it. Desire, I had felt it. Obsession…I was obsession.

Obsession would rule me until I was strong enough to own this marvelous creature.

I shut my eyes, allowing the memory to entice me, anticipation quaking through my hands. We’re so close now. I uncurl my fingers from Avery’s hair and stroke the necklace chain.

She goes rigid in my lap. I don’t even have to say a word. After our last session, her fear for me is complete.

I twist the necklace until her skin puckers and I can feel her breaths through the vibration of the chain. The crest stands out against her soft flesh. I run my thumb over the white and red design, feeling bound to my love.

I plucked it from the muddy earth, wiped it clean. Cherished it as I delved into Sadie’s world to unlock her secrets. And now, it’s time to return it to its rightful place around her neck.

The moody trance is disturbed when a beep sounds from the corner.

I leave Avery in a curled pile on the blanket and pick up the phone.

Sadie: I got your message. If you want the Countess, then you have to meet on my terms. You know where. I’ll be there, waiting. Tonight.

A vicious shiver races over my skin.





It’s impossible to measure the scope of any one person’s struggle. Or to judge them based on yours.

This case has impacted everyone working it on a personal level.