She didn’t scream.

That’s what snared my attention. Drew me to the edge of the woods and held me captive. They always scream…

But not her.

I had my orders; my mentor had prepped me well. Grab the grungy little whore from the bar and leave before anyone noticed. She was to be his reward for doing away with the troublesome profiler.

But once I saw her, the vixen in red, I couldn’t help myself. I needed more. After all, he was the one devolving, becoming unhinged. He was the one suffering the attention from her profile being passed around the department like the two-cent whore in my arms. Not me.

I was a nobody. I could disappear easily. And I would…but first, I needed to witness the destruction of such a beautiful creature.

Envy clutched me. I was envy.

He sent me on a rookie’s errand to keep me busy while he had all the fun.

So I killed the bitch quickly.

I choked the life right out of her. No teasing out the pleasure, no enjoyment, and certainly no fulfillment. It was simply a task that had to be done in order to shut her up. Because I needed to watch.

My cock hadn’t stirred once while I throttled the whore. It lay limp in my pants until I saw Connelly slice her dress and tear it from her body.

My dick twitched, becoming hard and demanding attention as I watched him stroke her chest. She had suffered abuse before—oh, how fucking divine. I saw that, too. During the trucker’s little escapade in the bar. She doesn’t like to be touched; downright fears it. And that gorgeous scar is the proof of her torture.

No wonder she won’t gift Connelly her sweet screams.

She’s been broken before.

As Connelly pushed her down onto the mud-sodden earth, I used the hooker beneath me to get some relief. My aching cock throbbed, and the whore was still warm. I lowered my zipper and pushed my erection against her bare thigh.

He won’t be too disappointed in me. Look at his prize. Just

look at her! If she were mine, I could feast off her last moments for months. She’d quench this growing, insufferable thirst that’s been tormenting me my whole life.

I had never wanted anything more than I wanted her in that instant.

Thinking back on it now, I did want her to end him.

I couldn’t admit that until now. Maybe I even dragged out my desire for revenge a little longer than needed just for an excuse to seduce her. Truthfully, she intimidated me. I knew it the second she walked through those doors.

I would have to…evolve before I’d be anywhere near her match.

But let me finish my story…because, oh, it gets much better. Just remembering the good part has my hands fisting Avery’s hair at the scalp, anticipating the ending.

Connelly, like the true amateur that he was, didn’t respect her, didn’t appreciate the extraordinary creature he’d lured into his woods. He straddled her like a common slut, his knife poised to take her life too quickly. He underestimated her; but I knew she would show him.

She never screamed.

She lifted her chin, exposing her creamy flesh, taunting him. And how she taunted. She knew his weakness; he would have to spend an extra moment worshiping her neck—it was his favorite.

And it worked. He stuck the knife into the ground above her head, then wrapped his hands around her neck, unable to deny himself the feel of her. My cock jumped, and I scrambled on top of the whore like a clumsy, horny adolescent to get a better view. I wanted to look into her eyes, just like he was.

I was beyond jealous. I was envy.

Then, right as I presumed she’d begin to lose consciousness, she moved beneath him, undulating her hips, thrashing, tempting him further. I was a throbbing puddle by this point…so completely paralyzed yet at the same time, tempted to slit Connelly’s throat myself. Just to taste her sweet death in his place.

As soon as the thought entered my mind, she moved. So delicately, like the flutter of a Monarch’s wings, she reached down and slipped off her heel. The spike drove into my mentor’s neck. Blood rained down, covering my beauty in red, splattering her hair and luminescent skin.

He clutched the shoe as she pushed him aside like a maggot; not even a full-fledged predator to be feared. She stood above him, soaked in blood, her stained skin glistening in the moonlight.