As we reach the parking lot, Quinn says, “Any chance we can intercept that sample before it reaches forensics?”

“Doubtful. But evidence stays on backlog there. Unless Avery put an urgent status on it to have the sample pushed ahead, then it’s safe to assume it’s just sitting there.”

“But she knows how important that finding is,” Quinn offers.

I shake my head, thinking. “But she also knows the profile. If she realized that the offender could be someone within the system, then she wouldn’t call attention to it. That’s why she didn’t log sending out the sample. It has to be.” I look at Quinn. “She wanted a backup.”

He runs a hand down his face, looking agitated. “Then we can’t call attention to it, either.”

I’m putting a lot of faith in Avery—but she’s never let me down before.

As I reach Quinn’s car, I say, “Carmen doesn’t strike me as the one who’s been leaking to the press.”

“No,” he says, unlocking the Crown Vic with the keyless entry. “She comes across as a very frightened lab tech.”

“Trust your gut,” I say, repeating Avery’s message to me. “My gut’s telling me to have the sample tested in-house. Do we have any lab techs that we trust as much as Avery?”

Quinn stares up at the sky, shuts his eyes. Then he pulls his phone from his pocket. “Kyle, get in touch with Agent Proctor and have a team assembled and ready for a UC operation. I’m on my way.” A beat. “I don’t care if Proctor will take issue. Get his ass there now.” He cuts the call off.

“What are you planning?” I ask as he ducks into the car. I open my door and drop onto my seat. “Quinn? Talk to me. I need to know whatever is going through your head.”

He cranks the engine. “Even if we recover the sample and test it ourselves, and even if the UNSUB’s DNA is in the database, it’s going to take hours to match.”

“Not if we limit the scope of the search to people within the department.”

“Still, we’re taking a huge gamble on recovering the sample and matching it before the UNSUB knows what we’re up to.” He glances at me before he steers onto the main road. “We’re only slightly ahead right now because there’s a possibility that the UNSUB doesn’t know about the sample.”

I catch on. “But when we run it through CODIS, he will.”

“But what if we draw him out and away from Avery first? Keep him preoccupied while we run the search. Just long enough to find a match and try to narrow down his location.”

There’s only one way to do that. “You want to use me as bait.”

I see Quinn’s face flush from my peripheral. “No. Absolutely not.”

But he’s already given himself away. I know when Quinn’s trying to lie to me. “It’s fine, Quinn. That was my initial tactic, if you recall.”

He huffs out a long breath. “I’m not putting you in danger, Sadie. I promise you that. But we might actually be able to put the Feds to good use. They’re already covering The Lair.”

I shake my head. “The last sting you set up at the club went badly. The UNSUB won’t fall for it.” A sick feeling rocks my stomach. “And what if he’s not in any database? We’re taking more than a gamble…we’ll be risking Avery’s life if this fails.”

Quinn takes a right into the station. “Then we won’t fail. Whether or not that sample pans out, you said you could get inside the UNSUB’s head.” He sends me a serious look. “Avery’s running out of time.”

The pressure that’s been mounting all day boils over.

Yes, I can get inside the UNSUB’s head. I can think on his level. I’ve done it before…but I’m not sure if I can pull myself back out this time. It’s a gamble on myself, too.

I swore to Colton that I wouldn’t risk myself—that I wouldn’t lose any part of me to the UNSUB. I have to keep that promise for more than his sake.

I flip my phone around and open the video. A still image of Avery shackled in chains displays on the screen. Her once shimmery blond hair is muted in tones of dull brown. Her eyes lifeless as she tries to separate herself from the weak woman being broken.

I know that struggle; I was successful at it. During my abduction, I achieved the ability to splinter my world. Becoming one girl who refused to be broken, who fought her captor to maintain her sanity…and another who crumbled, accepting her punishment.

My captor taught me so much; he was my mentor.

Remember your lessons…

His voice is the lurking demon in my mind.