Tension thrums all around us. At last, a beauty who got the answer right—she’s smarter than the others. Build the tension. Build it until you ache, until you beg for release. Sweet, sweet tension.

Then again, a great story also needs a twist.

Once all your characters are in place, that’s when it’s time to flip the switch.

Glancing over at the cell phone on my work bench, I smile. My love is no fool; she realizes that I have to keep her away. The relief she’ll feel…oh, when she sees it was all a ruse. She’ll be so relieved that she might not be too angry.

That is, until she witnesses the final production.

All in good time.



My mother stirs next to me. Light bleeds into the room through the slats of the blinds, washing the neutral colors in rich warmth.

For one happy, fleeting second, my mind is a blank slate. I’m a child again, waking up next to my mother after having slipped into her bed during the night. And then without warning—just like when I was young—the reality of the night before comes rushing back with all its nightmares.

I spring upright in bed, look down at my mom. She’s still asleep, the same way I found her when I demanded that the nurse take me to her room. After fighting sleep for most of the night, pacing the hallway, checking in on her every minute, I must have finally succumbed.

The mattress dips as I slide forward and ease off the bed. I go right for my phone only to find it dead. Shit. I didn’t think to bring a charger, and I drained the battery last night making calls to Quinn.

I told him about the UNSUB’s new threat—that the killer is targeting people connected to me. I somehow convinced him that Colton was in danger because I’d interviewed him at one point. All logic fled during my panic, and I probably gave myself away—but I had to know that I was doing everything possible short of being with Colton to keep him safe.

The threat against Colton felt real. I had to take it seriously. Seriously enough to put Quinn and his task force on alert.

I hold down the power button on my phone, desperate to fire it up with whatever juice is left. When nothing happens, I curse under my breath and glance at my mother. Something about the bright morning light assures me she’ll be safe. It’s a false assurance, I know. But now that the UNSUB got what he wanted, it’s time to make sure he’s never able to pull my strings again.

Slipping my phone into my back pocket, I lean down and place a kiss on my mother’s cheek. She’s cold to the touch. I draw the covers over her before I leave. Quinn said he wanted me at home with two unis keeping watch, so I feel confident my request for at least one to protect my mother will be approved.

The nurses think I’ve lost my mind. They give me wary looks as I walk past the reception desk.

That’s fine. I don’t mind being labeled, just as long as they take my brand of crazy seriously. I think the gun displayed on my holster helps to do just that.

* * *

Morning traffic is hell. I take a sip of coffee, grateful I had some at my apartment as I creep my car up an inch. I turn on the police radio and listen for any new updates while my burner phone charges on the old car charger I found at home.

When my cell blinks on in the passenger-seat, I reach for it, anxious to see a message from Colton. I move up another inch in traffic and then look down at the screen. My heart plummets to my gut. No missed calls. No texts. No anything.

As I grab my department phone, a fresh wave of panic envelops me. When I called Quinn earlier, he confirmed they kept watch over The Lair and Colton all night. He claimed there was no activity to worry about. But if that’s true, then why didn’t Colton call? Why didn’t he try to contact me?

Quinn picks up on the second ring and I dive straight in. “What is Colton Reed’s whereabouts?”

“Good morning again to you, sunshine.”

“Quinn, I’m in no mood. I need his location.”

He groans, then, “Reed is here, Bonds. I brought him in last night.”

First, a sweet breath of relief. Colton’s safe. Then,

the vise-like crush of fury. “You lied to me,” I snap.

“I didn’t lie. I told you we kept a close eye on the club and him. Which we did.” I hear something ruffling on his end as he drags out the pause, and my anger peaks. “Look, you needed the rest. We had this under control. I’ll fill you in when you get here.”

We. Him and Carson.