Beads of water roll down my forearm as I lift my wrist and trace the wet band of rope. For some reason, sitting here in the hollow quiet of my bathroom, my need for Colton is magnified. Its painful solitude reaches beyond my trepidation and fear of discovery, and demands that I go to him. With the task force watching The Lair, I want him away from there. I want him here so I can protect him from career-making detectives. I want him. Period.

My eyes are heavy with sleep, but I battle the urge to close them. Colton said that he’d wait all night…and so that’s what I’ll do. I’ll wait until he feels it’s safe to come here. I’ll wait until he works out that I have nothing to do with Carson’s witch hunt.

The echo of dripping water from the faucet lulls me into a false calm, and against my will, I shut my eyes. A blaring beep disrupts the tranquility of the bathroom, and I spring forward, reaching over the tub to grab my phone.

If deja vu is a real thing, it’s terrifying. The text message on my burner phone aims to make me feel every bit of that terror.

Unknown: Hello, Sadie. It’s so impersonal, this cold technology, don’t you think? But for lack of being able to talk in person, I suppose this method will do. Let’s have a conversation, shall we?

Moving slowly but deliberately, I hold the phone before me as I rise out of the tub. Last time the UNSUB sent me a message, he was close enough to see me. My senses are on high alert, my ears picking up on every noise in my apartment. I grab the towel off the rack and wrap it around my body, trying to make as little sound as possible.

I ease into to my bedroom and slide my gun from its holster. I cock the hammer and place my back against the corner of the room. The window, blinds closed, is to my left, and I can see into the living room through the open door of my bedroom.

Another beep. I inhale a shaky breath and look at my phone.

Unknown: Don’t bother wasting our precious time with trying to find me—I’m not there, Sadie.

But he does know where I am.

Keeping my gun raised, I text one-handed. I ask the most important question.

Me: What do you want?

Unknown: You.

Me: You can’t have me.

Unknown: All in good time. But I think you’re asking the wrong question. It’s not so much the what but the why. Though you must have some idea by now.

Me: Okay then. Why?

Unknown: You took something away from me—now you must replace it.

Me: That’s not possible.

Unknown: It’s not impossible.

I lower my gun and press the back of my head against the wall. He’s talking in riddles. He likes to plant clues, but this feels too vague for him. There’s a reason, a purpose, for everything he does. What is his reason for contacting me now?

Unknown: I admire you, Sadie. You’re a very powerful woman. I knew it wouldn’t be easy to impress you, but I hope my efforts have afforded me some of your regard. It’s the reason why I chose something you’re passionate about—a woman who you respect. Respect is so important.

Me: Nothing you have done has impressed me. You’ve borrowed—no stolen—from another. Unoriginality in unoriginal times. Want to impress me? Show yourself. Stop playing games.

If Quinn were aware of this conversation, he’d chastise me for antagonizing him. For basically inviting the UNSUB to lash out against me. I know this—I know that in any other situation, I would do the exact opposite. But I also know the UNSUB is intelligent enough to anticipate law enforcement tactics. If I want to keep his focus on me—in a way where I might be able to sway his actions—then I can’t play those games.

Unknown: Again, all in good time. For now, I just want you to consider what we hav

e to offer each other. You owe me something, and I can give you the understanding, the conviction, you’ve been searching for. I promise, you won’t get what you need from him. He’s merely a distraction. One that will soon be removed.

My heart batters my chest. Attempting to quell the anxiety crippling my lungs, I take slow breaths. In. Out. In and out.

I set my phone down on the bed and dress hurriedly. The UNSUB knows about Colton—nothing I’ve done has prevented that. And even though the threat against him was in the present tense, Colton still hasn’t contacted me. I don’t know where he is. That fear strips me down to my barest vulnerability.

My thumbs hover over the screen as I consider my next move. I just need one clue—just one slip-up on the UNSUB’s part that can lead me to where he is.

But my time runs out at the next beep.

Unknown: Those who have something to lose, have something to fear. You understand this, Sadie. You taught me this. I aim to relieve you of those who you fear losing the most. I believe that will make us even. My gift to you.