“I think we should split up,” I say. His forehead creases as he continues to stare down at me, expression wary. “We’ll cover more area if you check out the weaponry shops, and I follow this new lead.”


crosses his arms. “I wouldn’t exactly call this a lead, Bonds. What are you going to do? Track down a list of all the attendees of that rope event and interrogate them?”

No. Just one.

“It may turn out to be nothing.” I hold his unyielding gaze, infusing myself with strength I don’t feel. My legs ache, like they’re going to buckle under the pressure bearing down on me. “But we can’t afford to overlook anything. The UNSUB is devolving, Quinn. Two more bodies. We don’t have time to even argue this point.”

He sighs a heavy grunt that comes out sounding as exasperated as he appears. He looks past me, at the gathering storm clouds in the distance. “Yeah, okay. You’re right.” He glances at me then. “I’ll touch base with the task force. Get updates and head to the first shop. You keep me abreast on anything you uncover. Even if you think it’s not worthwhile, I want to know.”

“I will,” I say. He continues to stare at me, as if there’s more he wants to add, his eyes probing like he can suss out the many thoughts jumbling my brain. Quinn hates being out of the loop. But this is one knotted loop I have to unravel on my own.

“You need a ride back to the station?” he asks, and I shake my head.

“No time. You go ahead; I can get my car. My apartment is close to here.” And so is Colton’s.

Finally, he releases me from his penetrating gaze. “Forward me that sketch,” he says as he turns and walks toward his car.

Once I’m free of Quinn’s hovering presence, I dip between the adjacent complex, my route already mapped out. I stuff the suit in my bag, check my holster and secure my SIG, unclipping the leather clasp. Then I head straight for the man who may have the answers. Whose sudden appearance in my life may not have been chance.

My gut knots just thinking about last night…

A flash streaks the dark sky, followed by a loud crack and a long rumble of thunder. The oncoming storm steals my thoughts for the moment, and I wrap my arms around myself as the first raindrops begin to fall.

I can’t think about last night. Not now. I’m a professional. Right this second, I’m Agent Bonds—not the woman who craves the touch of a possible serial killer.




Before I came to work as a profiler, before I was an agent for the State—I was a cop. A Trooper just starting out, but one who swore an oath.

I believe, in our profession, we can lose sight of that oath.

I’ve been guilty of doing just that over the years; I’m not an innocent. We sometimes bend the law to meet our needs—whether or not it’s in the interest of justice, we decide we’re the final say in how that justice is delivered.

It’s a very gray area. And I live in that gray area, but I believe I do try my best to always uphold my Oath of Honor.

I’m thinking about this now, as I approach Colton’s apartment—number 518—soaking wet, my drenched clothes cold and clinging, because I feel my oath is about to be tested. Mostly the part where I swore I’d always have the courage to hold myself accountable for my actions.

Will today be that day? Truthfully, if it is, it’s been a long time coming.

When the aftermath of what happens here is investigated by Quinn’s team, will Quinn blame himself? Scold himself for not following that hunch deep in the pit of his gut that something was amiss?

All those answers ride on this moment.

I stop in front of the apartment door, sweep my matted bangs aside and roll my shoulders back. Suck in a full breath. Instead of knocking, I pull out my phone and send Colton a text. It will be traceable. I suppose I’m making the decision right now to keep my oath…even if once I enter, I fail.

I may not have the strength to face my demons, but I’ll answer for them.

Colton’s hands on me…his touch. Caressing my body. His lips roaming, tasting. His husky voice vibrating against my skin as he seduces me.

I clear my head of the unsolicited images as I hear footsteps from inside the apartment. For one, quick second, I expect the roommate to answer the door, before I process the fact that I just sent a text to Colton. Then, the door opens and his ice-blue eyes greet me.

His mouth tips up into a sexy, knowing grin. Arm braced high on the doorjamb, he blocks the entryway, his gaze devouring me. “Agent Bonds,” he acknowledges my soggy, dressed down appearance. “I have to admit, when I said find me when you’re wet, I didn’t mean from the rain. Though this works for me, too.”