My lips stretch into a smile that verges on a sneer. “An ultimatum, you mean.”

“Call it what you want. The only thing I ask is that you keep your ‘personal’ life out of the club.”

And understanding flits through me, transparent. I uncross my arms and straighten my back. “You were watching me last night.”

Shame flushes his face. “My name will remain on the lease, Colt. Everything will still tie back to me…” He trails off. “If you want to have your personal ‘sessions’—” He makes air quotes again, and my chest flames with heat.

“Stop doing that. Just say what you mean, Julian.”

He releases a heavy breath. “I can’t have accusations flung at the club if you go off the rails again. Okay?”

Sonofabitch. “You know what? Fuck you.”

“Hell, real mature, Colt.” He shakes his head, looks down at the tiled floor.

“You had no right to eavesdrop on me. What I do on my own time—personal or otherwise; in the club or outside of it—is none of your business.” I glare at him, trying to catch his eyes. “Hand the club over to someone else.”

He looks up then. “There’s no one else I trust.”

“Bullshit.” I take a step back, thoroughly over this conversation. “This is just your way to keep tabs on me. Keep things running the way you want, without having to actually do the dirty work.” I bark a laugh. “But I’m not your bitch boy—and you don’t run me.”

“That’s not it at all. Listen, I always get a little harassment from the cops,” he says, finally meeting my gaze again. “I’m used to it, but I can’t let it get out of hand. I have to have someone running the show who knows how to keep things…neutral.”

I wonder what he’d say if I told him that the woman I took to the back room last night was not only a cop, but a profiler. That whatever he’s so worried about keeping concealed, she’s probably already uncovered.

Only I know that’s not true. I might be a lot of things—things that don’t get me any slack from my brother—but a liar isn’t one of them. Sadie came here for herself, not her department. At least, that’s the truth I knew up until this moment. I never once questioned if she had an ulterior motive. Why would I, when she’s damn perfect for me.

Now Julian’s planted a seed of doubt, and I hate that. I can already feel it festering.

But—no. I refuse to let my brother infect my head. I’ve watched her long enough; I’ve tasted her. Her scent still clings to me. I’ve looked into those bottomless jewel-green eyes and I’ve seen the beauty among the abyss.

I find Julian’s gaze. “Why are you getting out?”

His fight to remain composed under my scrutiny is evident. “I’m marrying Bethany.”

Fucking hell.

“Congrats.” The word tastes bitter on my t

ongue. Then I tell him, “I’ll think about it,” before he can say anything further to disgust me.

Content with my answer for now, Julian nods a couple of times and says, “Thanks.” Then he leaves me alone with my spiraling thoughts.

Reaching into my pocket, I touch the rope I always keep there. My connection. My center. I need Sadie here, now. I can’t wait until tonight.




There’s a moment right before a storm. When the sky blackens, ink-swollen clouds claw the sky, and electricity charges the air. You feel it building, an anxious clutching of your chest that you can’t quite comprehend, but you know lightning is about to strike.

You’re connected to the elements. Your bones, flesh, your blood. Your soul. It’s all linked and communicating with something greater than you…and if you could just reach out and grasp the fading wisps, you could finally make that connection.

You’d be a part of something more powerful than yourself, and you wouldn’t feel so alone or lost.

I’m standing on the edge of that storm now.