
“I should probably disclose, I don’t possess a sense of humor. Dare I hope it’s a flaw that is a deal breaker?”

His mouth twitched. “I’m just as happy laughing at as with.”

She looked away, refusing to smile, even though she kind of wanted to sputter out a chuckle. The stakes were far too high, though.

“What’s your vision of marriage, Angelo?” she asked, bracing herself as she pointed out, “You’ve had an hour to process this. I can’t believe you’re really prepared to marry a stranger.”

“Believe it,” he said implacably. “My father was garbage. He gave me twenty-three chromosomes and a lot of bad memories. I’ll do better by my own child. A lot better. Full disclosure,” he mocked, “I have a blemished background. Flaws you will have to overlook.”

“What kind of blemish?” she asked warily.

Once again he gave her a look that was so penetrating it made her feel encased in ice, unable to move. After a charged moment, his expression changed from severe to dismissive. He contemplated the horizon.

“We’ll discuss it another time.”

Frustrated, she demanded, “When? After we’re married?”

She hadn’t meant to speak of it as though it was a fait accompli. She rubbed away the shiver his austere look had lifted on her arms.

“Look, I accept that you want to be a good father. For the baby’s sake, I’m pleased. That still doesn’t mean we should marry.”

“Live together then? I’m not hung up on making it official.”

“Oh? Why didn’t you say so? I’ll marry as planned and you can come live with us. One big happy family.”

“You’re right. Your sense of humor needs work.”

“I wasn’t joking.”

“I’m a man with an open mind, Pia, but my tastes don’t run to ménage.”

“I’m still seeing a solution, not a problem.”

“Let me spell it out. I’m possessive. Any man who lives with us will be skimming the pool. You and I will share one bed.”

“Optimistic, too.”

“You don’t want to sleep with me?” He hitched his shoulder against the window so he was facing her.

“Not something you hear often?” she inquired with a lift of her brows that she hoped conveyed disinterest.

“Not often, no. When I do, I accept it as the truth. Today...”

“Why would I lie?”

“I don’t know.” He studied her.

It took everything in her to hold his gaze and keep her uneasiness from reflecting in her face.

“How many contenders were there?” he finally asked.

“For what?”


“Excuse me?” She was pretty sure she was insulted.