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When she looked doubtful, he sighed, then more briskly said, “Don’t worry about me.”

That brought on a very sisterly frown. “Don’t be nonsensical. I’m your sister—I’ll always worry about you. We’re family, and that’s what families do.”

He had to give her that. “Possibly, but with you and Mary and Felicia and Sylvia all watching out for me, I doubt that even Fate would dare decline to send love my way—eventually.”

She knew him well—better than his sisters-in-law, even better than his brothers. She cocked a questioning brow at him. “Eventually?”

“Indeed.” It was time to get away, before she could start an inquisition. He moved toward the door, and Fortingale—bless the man—opened it. Godfrey swooped down, pecked Stacie on the cheek, then tapped the tip of her nose, which always made her wrinkle it and was guaranteed to distract her. “Eventually,” he said, as he slipped his arm from under her hand, “because at this very moment, I have no time for falling in love. I, dear sister, have another and even more demanding mistress to serve.”

Namely, Art, in his drive to become the very best in his chosen field of gentleman-assessors of masterpieces.

Stacie frowned, but before she could say anything more, he turned and walked out of the door and went quickly down the steps.

Without looking back, he waved over his shoulder, then strode off determinedly into the night.

Dear Reader,

Stacie’s story was always destined to be one of challenges—that was obvious after the dramatic events at the end of The Taming of Ryder Cavanaugh, the book in which she first appeared. It was clear that Stacie’s relationship with her mother and the shadow of her mother’s actions would inevitably influence who Stacie became, the sort of woman she grew to be, especially in the arena of love and romance.

And because of the hurdles Stacie faced, her hero had to be the right sort of man—one who faced a challenge of his own—and who, through meeting that challenge at Stacie’s behest, would in turn challenge Stacie to face her own demons.

I hope you enjoyed following Stacie’s path into love, marriage, and happiness with Frederick—if you feel inclined to leave a review here (link to retailer’s bookpage), I would greatly appreciate it.

As I’m sure you’ve realized from the last scene in this book, the final volume in the Cavanaughs, The Obsessions of Lord Godfrey Cavanaugh, the tale of how Godfrey finds romance, is on my drawing board and is scheduled for release in July 2020.

Meanwhile, to round out 2019, the third volume of Lady Osbaldestone’s Christmas Chronicles, Lady Osbaldestone’s Plum Puddings, will be released on October 17 for you to enjoy in the lead-up to Christmas.

As ever, I wish you continued happy reading!

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