She pushed her hands up, wound them about his neck, pressed closer-gave herself to him. The only way she knew to tempt him into the open was to offer herself, all she was, all she could be-to love him as she wished him to love her.

Completely. Without reserve.

Martin sensed her decision; he'd had too many women not to recognize when a woman gave herself without restriction, offered herself without demand. On all others he'd lavished attention, sensual pleasures, transitory joys. With her, now, it was different-there was so much more he wished to give. Deeper pleasures. Greater joys.

A lasting commitment.

He didn't have the words, didn't have any intention of finding them, finding a way to admit to a condition the past had taught him was the ultimate vulnerability, the one true chink in the armor his heritage had otherwise bequeathed him. Caring openly was too costly, the one sacrifice he would not again make. Not even for her. All else, he was willing to give her-his body, his name, his protection. His devotion.

Holding her between his hands, fingers flexing, sensing the supple strength of her, the sleek, slender, unutterably feminine length of her pressed against him, he set his mind to the task of laying heaven before her.

Convincing her to be his.

He deliberately let his reins slide. Let go. Let instinct take him, drive him, guide him. With her, he needed no thought, no logic, no considered plan. All he needed was to follow his heart.

She stood, eager and very willing, gathered against him, her tongue tangling with his, while he peeled her gown away. Blindly stepping out of her slippers, she kicked them aside. He couldn't stop his hands from closing about her breasts, still screened by her chemise, from fondling the soft mounds in anticipation, feeling them firm beneath his fingers. He drew his lips from hers, traced kisses down the taut column of her throat as she arched her head back so he could lave the thudding pulse at the base of her throat. Letting his hands slide down, around, he closed them about the globes of her bottom, lifted her against him, evocatively kneaded.

Felt her breath catch, felt desire well.

He set her back on her feet; the instant she was steady, he sank down, kneeling before her. He looked up at her face, caught her gaze as she looked down, blinking, lips swollen and parted. "Your stockings."

She blinked again, but when he sat back on his heels, she bent one knee and lifted her stockinged foot to balance it on his thigh.

Inwardly smiling, knowing the sentiment would not shift the stony cast of his features, he reached beneath the edge of her chemise and gripped the scrap of niched silk circling her leg. He removed that stocking, then the other, openly appreciating the silken wonder of her long legs. Tried not to think of them wrapped about him, as they shortly would be.

Tossing aside the second stocking, he returned his attention to her, cupped both hands about her thighs, ran them slowly down, all the way to her ankles, then reversed direction, slowly stroking each curve, caressing each hollow, sliding his hands to the front of her thighs as he leaned into her, felt her fingers slide into his hair as his own flicked up the hem of her chemise.

Closing his hands about the tops of her thighs, he held her still as he nuzzled the hollow between. She gasped, but didn't pull away, didn't resist, curved her hand about his skull and let him part her thighs, let him part her soft flesh and taste her.

The scent of her sank into him, wreathed his senses, an elemental attraction that called to every primitive instinct he possessed. Her willingness, the acquiescence and encouragement in her stance, in her shivering breaths, fed his most primal need.

Drawing back, he rose, hands sliding up over her body, raising the chemise, drawing it up, over her head. She raised her arms, slid them free.

Reached for him-for his coat. Their gazes clashed, and he stilled. Remembered. Tightening his grip on his impulses, he held still and gave her the moment she sought. Watched the play of her thoughts over her face as she undressed him. He moved only when necessary while she stripped his coat, cravat, waistcoat and shirt from him, then she fell to tracing muscle and bone with a touch that left him aching.

His hand went to his waist; he flicked open the buttons-she pushed his hand aside and parted the flap. He couldn't see her face, just the top of her head as she looked down, stilled… then he remembered that she hadn't, until then, seen him-that part of him-naked. Not until after. Later…

Before he could wonder what she was thinking, she wrapped her fingers about him, and her touch told him. Fascination, wonderment, worshipful excitement. Anticipation.

She moved her hand upon him; he bit back a groan-felt her start, glance up. Then she closed her hand again, caressed him again. And again.

He reached for her, drew her to him, found her lips. Captured her mouth, let both their senses feast… for a time. Then he closed his fingers about her wrist, reluctantly drew her hand away. Lifted his head, stepped back, stripped off his trousers, stockings, toed off his shoes.

Her arms were waiting to slide about him when he straightened. She came into his arms and he closed them about her; she lifted her face and he bent his head, covered her lips. Surged into her mouth, traced her tongue, tangled with it, and felt her sink against him. Press nearer. Hot body to hot body, naked flesh to naked flesh.

Passion surrounded them, wings of heat beating steadily, slowly closing in.

He reached out and hauled

back the bedcovers, urged her the last step to the bed. She hitched herself up to sit on the silk sheet. He followed, one knee on the bed; she let him tumble her back so she lay with her head on the pillows, golden curls spilling across his ivory sheets.

He knew just how he wanted her, knew the position that would most suit their need. Stretching out beside her, the covers pushed back behind him, he ran his hands over her arms, her shoulders, down her back, around her hips, down her legs, settling her half beneath him in the accommodating comfort of the thick featherbed so its support would cushion her against his thrusts, so their bodies could entwine and merge without restraint.

The firelight shed a warm glow over her milk-white skin, sent flickering fingers to dance across her full breasts, already peaked and swollen. He savored the contrast as he closed his tanned hand about one firm mound, then traced possessively down, over her sleek curves, over the sumptuous flesh, over the curve of her hip, down the long line of her thigh. To her knee.

Her body was soft, supple, receptive; his was hard, muscle-bound, menacingly strong.

They were both burning, barely holding the urgency at bay, both struggling to harness the driving need just this much-enough to savor the moment, to know it, see it, feel it all.